Could the ancient great cities of Enoch’s time and people actually have been founded by angels?
The Sumerians including Enoch and Noah were apparently using two main words for angelic heavenly beings - Anunna and Anunna-Ki. Anunna meant “sons of God” and the custom of associating a name or word with a city was to add the suffix KI so Anunna-Ki might be Anunna who were associated with a city. Indeed most if not all great cities of the time in Sumer (Iraq and Iran) before the Flood had heavenly beings associated with them just like Jerusalem has long been associated with God. So maybe these cities as ancient writings of Noah’s time claim, were indeed founded by individual angels. In theory this might be why after the Flood people mainly resettlled the same sites as the destroyed cities and built over the flood deposits as archaeology shows with cities like Ur and Shurrapak and Eridu and Nippur. They might have believed only an angel should found a city and the angelic providence assured them to be safe settling in that place. So this might also be why ziggurats (predecessors of pyramidal structures worldwide) were built as temples in cities to house their patron angels because this way the angel would bless its city. So we might have here the origin of national gods - founders of a nation’s main cities and therefore protectors too. This in Israel became denoted by the word Elohim. Only Yahweh was to be Israel’s Elohim. No others before Him. To Enoch this God was known not just as God but as the Lord of Spirits. Perhaps this was the origin of the deity name Enlil meaning Lord Spirit. Later in Israel this might become Lord of Hosts.