
Tuesday, 7 August 2018


This is how I understand the usage of the word Elohim in the scriptures. Originally Enoch (Idris), Noah and everyone religious in their times were probably what is called Tengrists, followers of Tengri, then called Dingri, also called An, later called El. Then idolatry muddied the water and it became normal to ignore the supreme heavenly being (Most High) and make invocations more to other heavenly beings and even to eartly entities too. The gods people worshipped depended where they lived, especially the nearest city and temple because cities and temples had patron heavenly beings. So the divisions of patron worship grew and grew as more cities were founded. A nation might collect all these patron deities of its cities and their temples into a national kind of pantheon - and Elohim - and so these collections were on regional lines. So Egypt had its gods - its Elohim - and Cush had its gods and Ugarit had its gods and Hittites had their gods and there was some overlap though names had regional variations of spelling. These people all still believed one god was supreme but the understanding of which god is supreme was muddled. Usually they just used a name which meant whichever god is supreme - that God. Only later with Abraham and then Moses did the supreme god clarify things by making Himself known.