
Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Metals and Colours

The use of metals to protect ourselves which of course endangers others and ultimately endangers everyone including ourselves, and provides a culture in which violence can increase; the use of colourful chemicals to brighten up our lives and overbrighten them which ultimately provides a culture in which promiscuity can increase; these things started around 3300 BC and have continued and increased since then. Archaeology shows all this and it was the background to the original writings found in the Book of Enoch which explains it as the result of Azazel an angel mixing with humans to gain a human wife and teaching things to humans better kept to angels alone. So archaeology backs up these things with evidence from around 3300 BC in Mesopotamia spreading from there. Then the veracity of the account details which passed through the ages is verified by the Messiah, the Son of Man, Jesus preaching teachings consistent with the Book of Enoch and teaching that those writings are Scripture (as evidenced in the Gospel of John 7:38 and the Book of Enoch 49).