The Book of Enoch helps me sidestep some extremely dangerous trinitarian interpretations of scripture by showing more clearly the true interpretations of scriptures which interpret and build on the Book of Enoch. If people change the meaning of the words of Jesus/Yeshua “Except you believe that I am he you will die in your sins” to be trinitarian (saying it means to believe Jesus/Yeshua is God) they lose the true meaning and that leads to fortfeiting salvation. He had just been telling them about the Son of Man so He clearly meant you must believe that He is the Son of Man - the Messiah. If you do not believe that He is the Son of Man you will die in your sins. What is more valuable - 1. being trinitarian but dying in your sins or 2. believing in the Son of Man and being saved from your sins by Him? “If the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed”.