
Monday, 13 August 2018

2060 AD

The Book of Enoch chapters 89-90 describe a series of seventy angelic shepherds to whom God handed over Israelites from the time of the Assyrian conquest of Israel up until the present time. It seems likely that the period of each shepherd’s term is forty years which fits with the description of the first 35 terms of rule of these angel shepherds.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90:1-5 covers terms 35-58 which fits with around 670 AD to 1580 AD: The suffering inflicted on righteous Israelis under Islam and Europe and Russia. 

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90 verses 6-12, beyond 1580 AD and focus on the end of this time in particular leading up to our time and then beyond up to 2060 AD.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90 verses 13-19 seem to cover the period after the appearance of the great leader, the ram or he-goat, then continuing after that for thirty to forty years, the last term of the seventy, the term of the last angelic shepherd.

Book of Enoch chapter 90 verses 13-19 leads up to the Judgement in chapter 90 verses 20 onwards, so it might be that verse 18 is the second coming of Messiah; possibly verse 15 too.

Seventy forty year terms starting around 730 BC (Assyrian conquests) using Enoch’s 364-day year and converting to our 365.25-day years put the end of these terms at 2060 AD.

Then in further chapters of the Book of Enoch, chapters 93 and 91, Enoch described the plans of God he saw in heaven. Here is how they fit with history:  

Creation of Adam 3940 BC
3940 BC is the start of 'week' 1 (‘week' is 700 364-day years)
Flood c2600-2540 BC
'week' 2 end 2540 BC
Abraham c1900-1850 BC
'week' 3 end 1850 BC
Law c1200-1150 BC
'week' 4 end 1150 BC
Temple completed 500-450 BC
'week' 5 end 450 BC
Ascension between 450 BC and 250 AD
'week' 6 end 250 AD
The Final Judgement between 2940 and 3040 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3040 AD

So a 2060 AD coming of Messiah fits very well indeed.