The Holy Spirit has a great power of wit. No not wit in the comedy sense. Wit in the skill in wisdom sense. Wit in finding ways to do difficult things with deft and completely competent ability. A maze is difficult to navigate but someone might conceive of a way to overcome all the difficulties in such a way it becomes utterly achievable with complete confidence. That is wit like the Holy Spirit wields with flourish like a champion expert fencing swordsman. Like Zorro. Slash, slash, slash and the mark of mastery is cut in the cloth. Look at tongues. He can make light work of the need for proof of identity and authority. No need for fancy identity cards. He can simply give one person a message on their lips which they cannot understand, in an absolutely alien language, welling up from their spirit involuntarily. Then He can give a person hearing that message an inner certainty of what it means by causing the words in their native language which match the message to well up within them. And these two separate pieces of the puzzle fit together so there is no need to doubt that it came from the Holy Spirit if those words of that message glorify Jesus as Lord and Christ bringing the truth from Jesus to the ears and spirits of the hearers who believe. It is double-entry proof. He is not limited to one such piece of wit. He can whisper words that are initially like a mysterious riddle but when followed like a treasure hunt clue lead to wisdom that prove the words whispered were from Him and could not possibly have been imagined. Unbelievers do not know these things because they do not know this Spirit, yet. It must all sound so far fetched. Yet when you know, you know.