Knowing and following the Son of Man leads to freedom by the knowledge of truth about this Son of Man and His God, and the Book of Enoch supports that truth in writing, to encourage us as we learn the truth. We find a man eventually born human whose God works through Him by His faith and this God’s love. The truth is we too can have that same kind of unity with this God. The Book of Enoch tells of this God and His Son. It tells of living by the Spirit sent from this God instead of by carnal cravings. It tells of this Son supporting those who rely on Him. It tells of an eternal blessed state of harmonious fellowship between the God of this Anointed One and the Anointed One Himself, the Son, and the righteous who have learned to live by these truths and been saved by this Son of God. It encourages us to look to this way and to love one another as we learn to walk in it, assured of a glorious future for those who are led to overcome their spiritual blindness and who adhere to living as God’s temple, not forsaking His glorious house.