
Saturday, 5 September 2020

True theology about Christ

A quick scan on all the theological Christian groups  mentioned in Wikipedia such as Trinitarian, Unitarian, Arian, Semi-Arian, Binitarian, Jehovah Witnesses, Oneness Pentecostals, it seems to me the closest to the teachings of Christ in scripture and beliefs of the first apostles about Christ is Semi-Arianism, although it too tries to be too specific about matters not mentioned in scripture such as the substantive nature of Christ before He became flesh. It holds to a belief that Christ was the Son of God before creation and is a person having life and existence created by God but distinct from God. To my understanding and beliefs about Christ He did exist as Son of God before creation and God produced Him as His Word from God Himself before any creation and gave Him His own life to have in Himself as a being in His own right. This seems to me to sum up what we find in John’s gospel and consistent with teachings from the Holy Spirit down through history and today.