In the mid 90s the Father and Son and Holy Spirit together proved to me that the Unitarians and Trinitarians and Oneness are each partly wrong. The Father appeared in a dream and told me He is God (He said “I am God”, not ‘we are God’). He also showed me His high regard for ordinary people. The Son did a miracle for me and in doing so proved He is the Son of God the Father and they work together in unity. The Holy Spirit proved that Jesus existed before Creation and that Jesus’ authority keeps all Creation together. The word from them then said “Israel has sinned” which I take it to mean everyone is getting it wrong and holding to false doctrine about God. Years later the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I heard Him as a person and He proved He exists as a real person. He used scripture to do it. Everyone doubts scripture except when it seems to support their doctrine so we need first hand revelatory experiential knowledge from God besides scripture too, to correct our mistakes which our Bible readings do not correct.