
Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Jesus existed aeons before His birth

Jesus really did exist long before we see Him appear in history, aeons before.

Firstly there is the prophecy by John the Baptist who proclaimed that Jesus surpassed him because He existed before him. Jesus existed before John the Baptist, said John by the Holy Spirit, yet John was born months before Jesus was born.

Secondly, Daniel had a vision in which he saw one like a son of man entering the presence of God, the Ancient of Days. Later he saw Jesus in detail and described what he saw in a way John writer of the Apocalypse centuries later (with hindsight knowledge of Jesus) exactly used again when he saw a vision of Jesus, signifying to us that Jesus is this one seen by Daniel. The one seen by Daniel centuries earlier put a hand on Daniel’s shoulder to encourage him. This was not future but was a man alive in Daniel’s time. Jesus was there with Daniel as an angelic man, like a literal man (son of man), centuries before being born from a virgin.

Thirdly, Micah foretold the coming of Jesus centuries before Jesus came but used these words, telling us Jesus had existed and was active from an almost infinite time in the past: “And thou, Bethleem, house of Ephratha, art few in number to be reckoned among the thousands of Juda; yet out of thee shall one come forth to me, to be a ruler of Israel; and his goings forth were from the beginning, even from eternity.”

Fourthly, Jesus Himself proclaimed (John 8 ) that “before Abraham was born, I was/am” and those who heard Him, in their lack of belief, tried to stone Him for proclaiming something which could only be true for the Christ. The Christ, who they knew the prophecies like Micah’s had foretold as existing since time immemorial and being sent to Israel.

Fifthly, the apostles such as Paul proclaimed in their scriptural writings that Jesus was the firstborn over all creation through whom God the Father made all things.

Sixthly, there are other proofs such as what the Holy Spirit tells through prophecies.

Seventhly, there are other books regarded as scriptures in Jesus’ time in Israel such as the Book of Enoch which tells of Enoch being caught up to the Son of Man in heaven.

Jesus is alpha and omega. He is with the first believers such as Abraham, Enoch, Noah, and with the last such as those today and those who will come later.