Muslims think the death of Jesus Christ on a cross never happened and the gospels accounts of it were fabricated. That would be weird indeed: To fabricate a death that looked like failure. And if they fabricated their eyewitness accounts, why did they not go to more trouble to make the details agree? Anyone attending jury service knows that eyewitness accounts which completely agree are to be regarded suspiciously. Eyewitness accounts never agree on details. That is human nature. But lies are usually, a frequent court attender I know tells me, obviously lies because liars tell blatant lies which undermine their credibility. The accounts of the death on a cross of Jesus have differences which show authenticity. Like whether Jesus drank the vinegar. Immaterial but authentic. And the differences show real events were witnessed by multiple people. So a sensible person examining these accounts is likely to be convinced that Jesus the Messiah did die on that cross. This adds weight to the testimonies that afterwards Jesus was seen alive again. Billions draw hope from this. The idea that the whole thing was fabricated is bad enough, but to say it was Jews who fabricated it, not disciples, is weirder still. Why would Jews who wanted Jesus dead write the gospels?