There is a lot of doctrine of Christ Himself which is deep and mysterious about Sons of god. He and the rabbis and normal Jews of that time regarded heavenly beings as sons of God. Pretty much it meant gods. Anyone resurrected to live with immortality, taught Christ, becomes a son of God. And by sons of God that meant a kind of god. So this means He knew that included Himself. Yet He also knew He was already a kind of son of God or He would never have preached what He preached. So divinity in Christ and His contemporaries’ understanding was not unique to God but others could have it too and Christ very much had it. Still the confusion comes with those not well versed in such things who jump to dodgy conclusions. There was no doubting that the Father is alone the One True God, Most High, Lord of Hosts. It isn’t completely clear cut that claiming sonship of this Father is not in some way exalting oneself to near equality with Him. There was at that time some feeling of this, as the Jews showed in their response to Jesus claiming to be a Son of God. They did accuse Him of blasphemy. But then they too sometimes jumped to dodgy conclusions, as seen in how Jesus corrected them. Trying to trivialise it all into a few Greek philosophy tenets is not sensible though and not spiritual. As Paul warned in 1 Corinthians. Spiritual truths should be taught in spiritual sayings, as Jesus did whose words are spirit and truth. Worldly wisdom makes a hash of it and does not save. The true preaching saves. Just by being a righteous leader ruling with full authority of God, Jesus was a son of God, as the psalm says “you are all sons of God” speaking about such people. So in this sense the Messiah is by definition a son of God. Yet Jesus preached about being much more than just that, about being trusted by God with full knowledge of all God’s workings and dealings and teachings, being in unity with God, as a firstborn son, having had time when He alone was a son of God, THE son of God. He preached as did His apostles that He was THE Son in a way no other son could be. As such God sent Him into the world. His entry into our world was divine, through a virgin birth as the apostles taught and recorded in their gospels and epistles. In prophetic scriptures it tells us He existed from ancient times before becoming flesh. Jesus tells this too. As did John the Baptist. Always even back before God made the world the Son was there with God having great glory He has again now. The sonship He has as resurrected immortal is akin to what He had before the earth was made. Firstborn over all creation. A god is a son of God and a son of God is one whose very existence was because of God. So firstborn as a son of God means being the only one of your kind until others are brought into existence by God in that same way. As firstborn over all creation there were no other sons of God for a while when Jesus was brought into existence by God before the world began. As one born of a virgin there was only Jesus brought into existence by God this way as an only begotten son of God. As firstborn from the dead there are no other resurrected immortal humans for a while when Jesus is the only one brought again into living existence from the dead until others too are so raised.