There are a set of divine rules which govern the universe or multiverse. The same rules but various possible outcomes, hence multiverse in which all possible outcomes in some sense happen. Yet all outcomes happen according to same set of divine rules. The government is absolute in its authority but variously applies to each situation allowing some degrees of freedom. A pair of atoms might bond or might not, either way being in accordance with the rules of quantum chemistry, yet in a multiverse, if it exists (as well it might and some evidence suggests it does) both the bond and the absence of the bond exist. Yet the rules transcend all multiverse possible states. God ordains the whole set of possible outcomes be subjected to the rules, the “oath” as Enochian theology calls it.
This is essentially an intersection between the Multiverse Theory and the Enochian/Heraclitus/ Pythagoras/John the Baptist/Philo Logos Theory. The latter combines the Logos and the Oath. These are related but not equivalent in the teachings of Enoch. The name of the Son of Man was mingled with the Oath by archangels to strengthen the Oath against fallen angels. Pythagoras, Heraclitus and the Stoics recognised a Logos or divine ledger or set of universal yet anthropomorphically comprehensible Mathematical rules governing the universe. John and other apostles of Christ Jesus identified it with Christ, the Son of God’s authoritative word of power, from the beginning and forever.