
Thursday, 5 November 2020

The Scriptures of the Book of Enoch

 Matthew (chapter 22), Mark (chapter 12), Luke (chapter 20). These Gospels tell how Jesus rebuked some Sadducees for being ignorant of certain scriptures and the power of God. In doing so Jesus showed them what knowledge they lacked and showed what knowledge is gained from knowing  scriptures they didn’t know. Clearly Jesus was including knowledge about angels only found in the Book of Enoch when He did this. Given that despite many teachings to the contrary given by leaders through history, it means books such as the Book of Enoch, which testifies about the Son of Man, have Jesus’ approval and so what the Book of Enoch says about the Son of Man, clearly pointing to Jesus, must be taken seriously if we take Jesus Himself seriously. How do I know the sections of the Book of Enoch concerning the Son of Man are genuine? When I received the Holy Spirit I was given words of mystery about Nature which aren’t in the Bible but are in the Book of Enoch more ancient than the Bible. The words are not a verbatim quote of the Book of Enoch. They are words given in both tongues and interpretation of tongues, a mechanism typical of Holy Spirit imparted expression of mysteries. Given in a Pentecostal church service in 1995. There were: Consider the trees, they put forth buds and leaves; they do so by the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those were the precise words given. The first part of a two-part message in a heavenly tongue, then interpreted by the speaker but also the same interpretation as I too received as I heard the heavenly language spoken. How does this prove to me the Son of Man passages in the Book of Enoch? The teaching given in those heavenly words is not found in scriptures except the Book of Enoch in the passage about the Oath and its control over all of Nature and the name of the Son of Man being given to angels to enunciate in that Oath to guard against influences of fallen angels. This is one of the passages in the sections of the Book of Enoch concerning the Son of Man. So this shows me that the Holy Spirit today is teaching what was long ago taught in these Son of Man passages, validating them with heavenly authority. It is like a seal of authority. That seal is only now being revealed in our churches. It is time to take these passages seriously, under leadership of the Holy Spirit who brings glory to Jesus’ name.