
Thursday, 26 November 2020


Unitarians are greatly affected by teachers of the Sozzini family of Italians in the sixteenth century who questioned and contradicted the belief that Jesus existed before coming in the flesh. Some now believe Jesus did not exist at all before coming in the flesh but that prophecies about Jesus did exist before that time. Others believe the existence of Jesus before becoming flesh was in the form of the word of God, the Logos. Personally I find it strange that there is reluctance to accept that the word of God about Jesus which eventually became flesh did not before that time have any material nature. The scriptures speak of this Logos in anthropomorphic terms, saying that all things were made through this Logos. This ascribes to the Logos a state of existence. What kind of existence do the Socinian (followers of Sozzini teachings) ascribe to the prophecies and the plan for Jesus to come? Is it too mysterious to accept that the word was so glorious that something real, somebody real, came into existence when God first, before creating anything else, uttered His powerful will that there would be the Son of God. Light existed when God said “let there be light”. Why not His Son? Yet scriptures such as the Book of Enoch expressly say that the Son of Man did indeed exist with God even before the rest of the Bible was written. So to my mind this mystery is being revealed and has been from the dawn of history. Christ truly came into the world from heaven, from God.