
Friday, 25 June 2021

An Example of True Prophecy Today

 I went to a church where God was giving true prophecies. There was a leader telling everyone to prophesy. I was troubled by that. I prayed before the next church service and I asked God, since I was new to the church and was advised not to speak until they knew me a bit, for God Himself to give a message to warn people there that not everyone has to prophesy. Some do good service by just listening. Some are not supposed to speak in church (women). So I went to the service. We were split into two groups with around twenty in each group. In the group I was in one by one three or four spoke up speaking about Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet and just listening. One of the prophets who spoke was new to me. He so clearly said what I previously had asked God to say that I asked someone who this fellow was. They told me he was a prophet who rarely came to the church so God must have sent him just to say that. The following service I spoke saying how in the previous service it was if God Himself had been the visiting speaker. The leader said he thought he knew what I meant. Later afterwards I was going there hoping to speak a prophecy. As I meditated before going the word of God came to me, “Israel has sinned” and “this sign will be given you, the eagle will be flying overhead” and a vision of the eagle was given me showing it with a big white eye. I told someone in the church and later overheard him telling it to others saying “It is like those Old Testament prophecies”. I turned on the TV news at home and it showed spy planes from the US (this was the mid to late 1990s) and that night the first ever police helicopter in our area was flying all night overhead with a searchlight on. I read in the news paper that the helicopter was flying over that church trying to stop someone on the roof of houses nearby throwing roof tiles down on people below. The news on TV later reported that the new helicopters were called Operation Vulture. The next few years saw the beginnings of cameras being put up in streets and mass surveillance. All this according to that few words of prophecy “Israel has sinned”.  God gives prophets and apostles still today. They should shout the words from rooftops. We must love God with all our Voice.