Two thousand years ago we see Jesus Christ there in history. All kinds of evidence points to this. The Book of Enoch highlights the significance of this. It contrasts this with others who came into history leaving turmoil more than three thousand years previously, the fallen angels who came to women bringing magic arts and metallurgy and with it promiscuity and violence. The difference with Jesus is: God sent Him.
That is the problem faced by God. Does He let a person grow in influence without stepping in to stop it? Fallen angel wisdom had to be curtailed. So we got the Flood disaster and other divine interventions. If allowed to grow and grow and fill the world and fill all history on into eternity that would be dire so God stepped in. Even now God interrupts that spread of earthly wisdom, science and technology. A big intervention is coming soon too. On the other hand there must be an alternative which is more positive and hopeful: A person of promise who once perfected can be allowed to fill all future earth for eternity without limit. That is what Christ is. A person with full approval to grow forever in influence with no need for God to ever intervene - ever. Lord, ever growing and Christ, ever approved. Anointed with full approval.