
Thursday, 10 June 2021

Warning concerning angels

 The Book of Enoch warns us against us serving angels. Look at angels in the Book of Enoch. There are those which teach magic arts. There are those which, among them Satan, berate and falsely accuse the righteous and will try to attack them at any opportunity. There are those given by God great power in worldly affairs to punish and preside in judgment over the righteous, causing persecutions. There are some who are better than all this. Some protect the righteous. Some serve only God. So if you allow angels to influence you unwittingly you might find yourself doing service to them many a time when they want to use you, but which ones and for what purpose? It could be good but it could be for great harm to others. Persecutors of many could be serving an angel. Victimisers of the godly believers could be doing the service of a satanic angel. So serve God alone. If God sends an angel to help you and serve you in doing God’s will all well and good but do not give yourself over to the angel in service. Serve God and do God’s will, lest you fall into the clutches of the wrong kind of angel as many tragically have done through history, ending up on the wrong side of history.