
Thursday, 10 June 2021

Event or Command

Is your wish an event or a command? Even a prayer can be an event. Make it like a command by believing it will happen without doubt. Telling a sick person “Get well soon” is either an event or a command. If you do not actually intend that your wish will result in their recovery your kind word to them is an event. Simply you said it. End of. If you intend it to happen by some miracle of faith, it is a command. You said it to bring a result. Not just a smile on their face but a recovery of health. Likewise your prayer. Do you intend your prayer to be answered? If not then the prayer happened and that is the end of it. That prayer was an event. If you pray without doubting at all that it will be answered then it is more like a command. It results in something. This is when the prayer or the kind words have no doubt attached, only belief in God. These are more than events. These are commands that have an effect, a result. Something happens. “Have faith in God” said Jesus Christ. Excel in Jesus Christ.