King David had the Holy Spirit (hence the Psalms) but so did King Saul. The latter was even, in modern terminology, ‘slain in the Spirit’ - forced to lie prostrate for hours by the Holy Spirit to keep him from killing David after the Holy Spirit put him into a trance of compulsive prophesying, as had previously happened to guards Saul sent to kill David. But hopefully we receive the Holy Spirit in better circumstances when the gospel opens our hearts, cleansing us from compulsive mortal sins. Of course the spirit that made King Saul so jealous of David that he tried to kill him, that was not the Holy Spirit but was given Saul as punishment for poorly serving God. So the Holy Spirit came upon him but was not the only spirit to do so. It is all more complex than the revival preachers like it to be. Nevertheless the way it should be for those being saved and kept pure in heart like David is to have the constant home made in the heart by the Holy Spirit. So we need to stay at one with God’s will and at one with Christ by the word of Christ being nurtured in our hearts unto obedience so we are always given the Holy Spirit visitations and His influence is always there within us controlling our lives. For the first disciples of Christ it was all complicated somewhat by the Holy Spirit only being given to Jesus at first. They had to wait till that glorious Pentecost to receive the full benefits of the completion of Christ’s mission and His return to heaven. They were not without the benefits completely though because they initially had Christ’s words which were spirit too. They could dwell on those words and those words could work within them achieving the remoulding of their minds and ways by the Spirit that was within Christ without measure. So too when waiting for the Holy Spirit, who for many (not all, as Acts relates regarding the centurion’s family) is given by laying on hands, not always within reach, a believer can still have the benefits of letting Christ’s words, sayings, dwell within them richly.