
Monday, 27 June 2022

Did they know Who they were dealing with?

 It might amaze the Christians and Jews today to find the Bible book of Exodus is a record of events to prove that other gods beside the Most High, Supreme God, do exist but that God is greater and can overrule them. If Christians and Jews knew this well they might rethink calling God the only real god in existence. This might surprise people today. The well known ten plagues of Egypt recorded in Exodus have an interesting and hugely significant detail recorded about them: Many of them were copied by Egypt’s magicians of the time who were able to make rods of wood turn into snakes on demand. If you have seen the movie Prince of Egypt you might recall the striking scene with the song “You’re playing with the big boys now” in which the magicians and their gods of Egypt stand-off with Moses and his God. The outcome reverberates through the religious history of the Israelites and later the Jews and Christians and even Muslims too.