
Saturday, 25 June 2022

What are we seeing in Ukraine in the first half of 2022?

 Is the West and Russia together perpetrating some kind of vicarious mass human sacrifice with Neo-N***s in Ukraine? The daily deaths are in the hundreds and with no chance of a game change. Nobody outside of the USSR  was really punished for what the original N***s did in the early 1940s first throughout Eastern Europe then in the West. Is this an attempt to balance the scales? Should the punishment not be against those who failed to carry out justice in the 1950s? Almost all of that generation died out in the 1980s and 1990s and the N***s in the following decade, all now gone. Is this a visitation of vengeance on their children and grandchildren who seek to perpetuate the N*** ways? Can this appease the wrath? Can it avert the nuclear apocalypse? Love God and preserve His teachings and teach the next generation this too rather than the anti-religious, anti-Russian hateful ways of N**ism. Maybe simply following through with proper justice in humility will avert divine vengeance more than callously throwing the offspring to the frontline ad infinitum. It is our traditional governments and institutions and ruling elite and lords and judges who carry the blame for failure to punish Holocaust perpetrators: In the West where it happened (given justice was carried out on the other side of the Iron Curtain) but then many of the Jews among these left for new-formed Israel in the 1950s. These, instead of self-conviction, are making scapegoats of Neo-N***s. Yes the Neo-N***s are a tinderbox and a ticking time-bomb, but it is failure to follow-through with proper justice which is behind their resurgence. The whole system must change so it does not happen again. Human sacrifice is what this looks like more than justice. But maybe God is in it. God’s will be done.