
Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Worshipping God

The natural thinking we have might oppose us praising the Most High and oppose thoughts of what wonders He does, but the Spirit awakening our spirit bypasses all that natural thinking and brings out in us thoughts of what the Most High does in people everywhere that is praiseworthy and we praise Him by spirit and truth, irrespective of opposing thoughts. I even find this can happen in my sleep which helps to bypass the naturally opposing thoughts and allow praise to the Most High by spirit and truth. All this is what the Most High seeks. Trying to use opposing, natural thinking to praise and worship God is not what God seeks. It should not be what we seek. If a person truly serves God: If they truly are a servant of God, they will receive the Holy Spirit and have their spirit awakened to make them see visions and dream dreams which lead them to worship in spirit and truth.