
Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Prayer for Donetsk June 2022

 How long can Anglicans in England support a country which openly and unrepentantly bombs civilians in Donetsk? How long can Anglicans call themselves righteous in Christ and yet the worldly head of the Church of England openly supports the country which does these things? Is this Christian in any way? Is this what people do who claim to have eternal life in Christ? Judge them by their fruits. Isn’t that what Jesus said? If Jesus sent me, it is not to whitewash and justify such behaviour. It is to point to true eternal life in Him which does not support murder and murderers. Be ye separate and touch no unclean thing. Surrender up the devoted things for destruction. Put the wicked out from you. Let all those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus, every one of you, lowly or high in status, whatever status you have from God, forsake evil. This is what it means to be a true church for the glory of the name of God the Most High. In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.