The information of a living parent organism that is needed to make a child organism, for that child to be able to produce further children, this information must include the information needed to pass that information on again to future generations in such a way that they can use it. This means the parent needs to possess and pass on information about the future. A parent living thing must include knowledge of the future for their offspring to survive and carry on passing on information for future generations to survive and live and thrive. This must have been so at any point in the history of life. It therefore must have been so even at the beginning and even before organisms existed. We simply tend to regard a parent with information about the future as godlike. So an organism which does not have information in it about the future would not be able to procreate offspring able to themselves procreate further offspring with information needed to produce successful, surviving offspring. This is all the more important if life is evolving because the future would need to have offspring with more information than the parents and a way to store that information and pass it on successfully in the future and therefore need information about the future. This goes back to the start of life. If parents do not have this information and yet evolution is happening as the fossil record suggests, there must in every case be another parent besides the information-deficient organic parents, a parent able to add the extra information needed with each successive generation. This invisible parent must know the future and be able to include information about the future or information needed to deal with the future when a new generation forms. We simply call this parent an invisible god, a creator spirit, visible to science only by its indirect contributions to what the fossil record and studies of life shows. Known yet ignored.