Clear why Nordstream was attacked. Putin would have been saving tens of thousands of lives if they had been turned on. That is a problem for the ambitions of the West. It foils the narrative that Putin is a modern evil dictator. They rather let those tens of thousands die than let Putin be their saviour.
Saturday, 30 September 2023
What is in a name?
All these people who think the spelling of the name Jesus is what is meant by his ‘name’, no. A name is the reputation you live up to. That is what it means to believe in the name of Jesus. His name is faithful and true. His name is deliverance. These are his reputation which he always lives up to. Believe in this and you will please God. Invoke the way Jesus Christ lives up to his reputation for being always faithful, being always true and being the great deliverer sent by God. Then you will be saved. Hold to his teachings for their truth, their faithfulness to the teachings he received from God his father, their constant truthfulness and faithfulness over the centuries of time and their ability to save us from our inner tendencies to sin and damn ourselves by our actions, then you will be holding to his name in faith, in persuasion that this name can save you. This all leads to eternal life and resurrection by him who died and now lives forever.
With Sukkot over it us time to invest in a brighter future
With Sukkot over and the year ahead in which to gain a greater yield on the harvest, will Jews and Israel now help to oppose the kind of thinking which was foremost in causing the Holocaust and will Israel and the faithful Jews try to bring a better understanding to the fore in the leadership of USA and Canada and UK? Time to share the harvest by investing in better understanding of the past to fortify the West against its internal enemies who want it to go back to hating and killing? Invest some of the harvest in the future. Turn the West against the ideology which might again cause a Holocaust. Help to rid the West of its propaganda lies. Educate the West to filter out that ideology from among its leaders. It might be too late, but an investment might greatly improve the future against another Holocaust.
Phase four of the Holocaust beginning
We are probably entering a fourth phase of the Holocaust right now.
Phase 1: Nazis conducted a mass genocide in Eastern Europe largely unknown to the West, on a huge scale of killings of Jews and Soviets led by Nazis, carried out by Eastern Europeans in 1942 then 1943.
Phase 2: Nazis found a way to mass exterminate Jews in Western Europe under the noses of the West using gas chambers in 1943 until the end of the war in 1945.
Phase 3: “ The widespread killings of Poles by Nazis primarily occurred during World War II, but there were instances of violence and persecution after 1945 as well. While organized mass killings had largely ceased, there were isolated incidents of violence against Poles, including anti-partisan operations and reprisals. Additionally, the post-war period saw the displacement and mistreatment of many Poles by various occupying forces and shifting political dynamics. It's essential to remember that the aftermath of World War II was a complex and tumultuous time in Europe.” — Chat GPT 3
Phase 4: Surviving Nazis educated their neighbours to hate Russians and Jews and other groups seen as foreign, among Ukrainians in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora in UK and Canada. This is now becoming publicly known and no longer hidden as the war in Ukraine triggered a zealous revival of anti-Russian ideology and sentiments throughout the West, especially in countries where the Ukrainian diaspora settled and among their children and grandchildren. This might spread beyond Russophobia to Antisemitism as the roots of the ideology are laid bare and emboldened.
We are being tested - each of us
I had a weird dream the other night and realised what it was about the moment I woke up. A man invited me to eat in his home and he showed me people there who had terrible pocks on their legs. Cowpox, he said. Then meal time came and he showed me what was on the menu. Two legs of these people lined all along with these pocks. He forced me to eat some of the legs stewed up. Then I woke up and realised the pun. Horrid how people let themselves be treated like that. In reality baby cells rather than meat.
Friday, 29 September 2023
Canada in shame
Question: “What would happen if the PM of Canada and all of the Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to a former Waffen SS officer because he fought in WW2 against Russians and the Soviets?”
Chat GPT 3: “Such a scenario is highly unlikely and would likely generate significant controversy and international backlash. Celebrating a former Waffen SS officer, who was part of an organization associated with Nazi war crimes and atrocities, would be seen as deeply insensitive and offensive. It could damage Canada's international relations, lead to widespread condemnation, and result in calls for resignations or political repercussions for those involved. It's essential to remember the historical context and the significance of such actions.”
Thursday, 28 September 2023
Now is the time
It is the time now for every person to follow Jesus. Not just non-Jewish but Jewish too, not just Jew and Christian but from any background, creed, religion. This is time to forgive, to sort things out with others who have wronged us, to sort things out with those we have wronged, to work things out, to find truth, to seek and to find and to work things out. Because God has made a new covenant which is for every person who finds it, which makes everything like this worth it, which makes finding the truth worth it. There will be many who will trip us up when we all meet together in this new covenant but it is worth it, we just need to step over those stumbling blocks again and again. We need to overcome the hurdles because this covenant is worth the trouble. There will always be trouble, but it should not put us off. God is making it all worth finding Him. Whoever we are. Whatever our creed or religion. God has provided teachings about all this. A way is provided. A means to find forgiveness from Him when we forgive each other and work things out with each other. There is forgiveness on offer, and also a cleansing, by a sacrifice for sin, by the sacrificial death of God’s own dear Son for each of us, whoever we are, whatever we did in the past. It is a way to be clean of ethical failings. The cross paid for it. Christ Jesus dying for you put a way ahead open for you. Let us each find it and find cleansing with this new covenant God has made. There is a gospel message for each of us to hear. Believing it, we can be changed, so we stop our failing in major ways that bring us down and make us subject to a deserved punishment of death. It is now possible to find a man who can keep us from such death. The man who God in His covenant has provided to lead us away from such a deserved death and free us from the causes of such punishment into a life of hope and eternal mercy and eternal life from God. This man is mediator between God and us all. This Christ Jesus is alive from the dead having died for you and me. He made God’s standards of right living in all situations of life and death and now serves forever as go-between to lead each of us into a right way of living that pleases God, and goes on pleasing Him, so it is possible to live under this new covenant. It is now possible to find a right path in life that is in fellowship with God. His holy Spirit can teach it to each of us if we believe. The gospel message of Christ dying for you, when you believe it, opens up the way for God to give you this spirit to influence you into ceasing from your lies and your uncontrolled rage and your unfaithfulness in relationships the like and guide you into a fellowship with others who believe, while God does miracles among you all, as you tell the truth to each other, forgive each other, find forgiveness, stop hating each other and love each other, and this Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. You will all be a temple of living people, built together into one people. Now is the time. God has opened it all up to you by His new covenant by the blood of Jesus the Christ, His Son. It is worth finding this covenant and living the life. Jew, non-Jew, whatever your religion, there is this life to be found.
Science 2.0
It is a dream to think we can modernise Science, but if we did, where would we start? My own dream, quite literally, is to take it back to basics, starting again. Find what is truly good about Science and reboot it all based on that. Yet keeping it in mind, vital to our civilisation’s survival, that this is all about human beings and humans are naturally quite corrupt, with tendencies to perpetuate what is bad from our past, and this is not something we can stop globally, at least, not this side of kingdom-come. I personally would go back to the best scientific things we learn from our ancient past, from writings from ancient times we call holy writ, from one of the most revered of our ancestors, known to Babylonians as Utnapistim, or Ziusudra, and in English versions of ancient scriptures called Noah. The mysterious book of Genesis is mysterious in that much of it mirrors other ancient writings such as the 2200 BC Epic of Gilgamesh. They recount about Noah in very similar events told in a similar sequence, perhaps indicating they had a common source, among various sources, perhaps Noah himself. Genesis tells, in its Flood account, of a series of empirical experiments conducted by Noah which folk history has preserved almost universally in the symbol for peace of a dove with an olive branch in its beak. Noah needed to know whether flood waters had subsided sufficiently to leave the Ark and venture again onto the land that had been covered in very deep flood water. So he conducted a series of tests. Noah first sent out a raven from the Ark to see if it could find dry land. He sent out a bird, a raven, from the Ark. The raven, being a scavenger bird, did not return to the Ark and likely found a place to perch. It would have found plenty of carcasses to feed from. After the raven, Noah sent out a dove to see if it could find dry ground. The dove returned to the Ark because it found no place to rest, indicating that the waters had not yet receded. It would not have eaten flesh but needed vegetation so its return showed there was not vegetation available yet. After waiting for some time, Noah sent out the dove a second time. This time, the dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak, indicating that it had found an olive tree growing, which suggested that the waters were receding, and there was dry land. These were empirical experiments. He accepted the results as indicative of what he needed to know. He assimilated increased knowledge from them and they were repeatable tests. He interpreted their results intelligently. He persisted in the tests until they indicated what he needed, that he could leave the Ark. Later he recorded it or related it so it made its way into records from which civilisation could learn how to run good tests. Perhaps it is the oldest scientific study on record. Civilisation clearly learned from it, as we see in use of the dove symbol with olive branch in its mouth. Do we need to call it Science? Not necessarily. He must have recorded what he did, what happened and what he deduced, much as we are taught in elementary empirical science today to record a Test, an Observation and an Inference. So we should keep this as good practice which has provided civilisation with best practice lessons ever since. Let us go back to this. But calling it Science is unnecessary. Today we might say “I did this. And this happened.” Let us learn from Noah and Genesis in the Good Book that this is simply how to be an intelligent human being and to serve our civilisation well. God will be pleased too if we do these things.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
The Father in Jesus and Jesus in the Father
Jesus and the Father are so intertwined. Extremely close. But remember he said he and a disciple can be similarly close and intertwined. Jesus only exists because of the Father, on many levels, in many ways. The Father is fully invested in Jesus, more than in any other person, any other being. The Father is happy for you to see His Son, Jesus, and take that as seeing Himself. He lets Himself be fully represented by Jesus and makes Jesus a true representation of Himself by keeping Jesus righteous utterly in line with His own righteousness and fully tested as being so, even unto death, in all situations of life and death. When He says He is well pleased with Jesus He really means that in every way. So He is fully OK with Jesus being a full representation of Himself. And Jesus is that way because of the Father. It is from time immemorial that the Father has willed this and spoken it into being so.
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
What is the gospel?
Really and truly the gospel is all Jesus Christ, the person he is, the ongoing work he does to mediate for us all, for every human being, with God the Father, the things recorded that he did long ago, especially to purify his own from sins by dying on a cross, his resurrection a few days later, but also the things he still does today, and will do in the near future. His character, faithful and true. His teachings which he practices too. His extremely close relationship with God the Father. His uniquely beloved cherished and supremely important standing with the Father, resoundingly set before us all by the Father with the Father’s words “This is my beloved Son”. It is about being brought close to the Father by all of this. It is about Jesus Christ being Savour who can save a believing follower of himself from the dangers of falling - falling into deadly sin. It is about becoming a saved person freed from committing deadly sins, living a life worthy of living forever, raised from the dead if dying, or made immortal at his coming again if still alive by then. It is the promise of all of this if we believe he is the one, the human mediator between us and God, and if we hold to his teachings. The promise of not dying in our sins. The promise of becoming holy like he is holy. The promise of life in fellowship with God which is never ever over, with eternal fellowship to come.
Friday, 22 September 2023
O heavenly dove
"Surely, no one can obstruct their baptism with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we did."
These words marked a pivotal moment in the emergence of Christianity, as it was the first occasion when Jewish followers of Jesus bore witness to the Holy Spirit being poured out upon Gentiles. The Holy Spirit, represented as a dove, had entered the hearts of a non-Jewish family, leading them to spontaneously prophesy in languages they had never learned. This was the visible expression of the Holy Spirit's inner presence within them as they listened to Peter proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ. Sent by God the Father in Jesus' name, the Holy Spirit flowed like a wellspring within them, causing them to speak mysteries of God in unfamiliar tongues, akin to the experiences of Peter and other Jewish followers.
This constitutes the essence of it all. Jesus Christ's ministry commenced years earlier, with the Holy Spirit descending upon him as a gentle dove during his baptism. Following Jesus' resurrection and return to God, the Holy Spirit was granted to those who believed in his teachings and name. This same Spirit resided within these disciples, empowering them to offer praise to God in unknown languages and, on occasion, translate those foreign or angelic words into their native tongue for comprehension. In this way, they could glean insights into the mysteries of God's wonders.
Now, Peter bore witness to this overflow of the Spirit extending to non-Jews as well. These individuals were filled with the presence of the dove-like Spirit, sent from heaven to guide them. This Spirit would encourage honest and open communication, temper anger, foster faithfulness in relationships, and lead them into all truth. The subsequent step for them was water baptism in the name of Jesus. As Jesus teaches those who believe, "Pray, 'Our Father: ... Give us this day our daily bread... for how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask of Him.'"
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Like a dove
“Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptised with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” These words marked the birth of Christianity. This was the first time that Jewish believers following Jesus Christ witnessed the Holy Spirit being poured out on Gentiles. The dove-like Holy Spirit had entered the members of a Gentile, non-Jewish, family and they had all spoken in tongues. The speaking in tongues had been the visible outward evidence of an inner process going on in these people when they heard Peter preach the truth he knew about Jesus Christ. The people were being visited inwardly by this Holy Spirit from God who comes in Jesus’ name. It was like a well of water within them welling up into the uttering of words of mystery of God in languages they had never learned, similar to what had happened to Peter and the Jewish followers of Jesus. This is what it is all about. The ministry of Jesus Christ had started years before all this with a spirit visible in the form of a gentle dove descending from God upon him at his baptism. When Jesus left after rising from the dead and returned to God it was so that this Holy Spirit could be given in his place, to followers of his teachings who believed in him and his name. The same spirit had then entered the inner being of these disciples. It caused them to praise God in languages they had never learned and do other things such as turn those words of foreign or angelic languages back into their native tongue so they could be understood and get the benefit of the mystery worshipful meaning. Now Peter was witnessing this overflow to non-Jews too. These people were filled with the presence within them of this heaven-sent dove-like spirit to lead them. The spirit would lead them to speak truthfully to each other, to control anger, to stay faithful in relationships, and lead them into all truth. Now it remained for them to be baptised into this new way. They were baptised in water in Jesus’ name.
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Stark warning about medicine
The book of Revelation in its ancient form of writing called Koine Greek has a verse in chapter 21 which ought to be closely examined in relation today’s world as a very stark warning but with good understanding of what it meant when it was written. ( )
In the Koine Greek it reads:
τοῖς δὲ δειλοῖς καὶ ⸀ἀπίστοις καὶ ἐβδελυγμένοις καὶ φονεῦσι καὶ πόρνοις καὶ φαρμάκοις καὶ εἰδωλολάτραις καὶ πᾶσι τοῖς ψευδέσιν τὸ μέρος αὐτῶν ἐν τῇ λίμνῃ τῇ καιομένῃ πυρὶ καὶ θείῳ, ὅ ἐστιν ὁ θάνατος ὁδεύτερος.
Translation to English by Google Translate (which detects the language as Greek and does an impressive job of translating it):
“ but to the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and harlots, and druggists, and idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake of burning fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
We need to understand the word translated as “druggists”. I highlighted it in the original: φαρμάκοις
If we render it in English letters it is pharmakois. This is the word used today in modern words terms as pharmacist, pharmacology, Big Pharma. What did it mean at the time of the Book of Revelation? I put some questions to Chat GPT to try to delve into its original meaning at the time, the time of ancient classical Rome. I then asked it to form a prompt that would frame the question well and this prompt was the question it gave me to ask ( ): “Compare and contrast the roles and practices of ancient Roman physicians ('medicus') and Greek physicians ('iatros'), including their methods of treatment, use of medicinal substances, and the influence of pharmacists ('φαρμάκοις') on their healthcare systems. Highlight any overlaps and key differences in their approaches to medicine and patient care.” On asking this question, here below is its response:
Chat GPT:
“Ancient Roman physicians ('medicus') and Greek physicians ('iatros') both played essential roles in healthcare, but their practices and approaches to medicine exhibited some key differences:
Education and Training:
Roman Medicus:
Roman physicians often had diverse backgrounds and could include both freeborn citizens and slaves. Their education was less standardized compared to the Greeks, and they learned through apprenticeships or personal experience.
Greek Iatros:
Greek physicians, in contrast, had a more structured education. They attended medical schools, such as the one in Kos founded by Hippocrates, where they were trained in anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment.
Treatment Methods:
Roman Medicus:
Roman physicians focused on practical, often surgical treatments. They employed techniques like bloodletting, wound care, and setting broken bones. Their approach was more interventionist.
Greek Iatros:
Greek physicians emphasized the holistic approach to healthcare. They believed in the balance of bodily humors, and treatment often involved dietary changes, herbal remedies, and a focus on maintaining balance and harmony within the body.
Use of Medicinal Substances:
Roman Medicus:
Romans used a wide range of medicinal substances, including herbs, minerals, and animal products. They were known for their elaborate pharmacopoeias.
Greek Iatros:
Greek physicians also used medicinal substances but were more cautious and systematic in their approach. The writings of Hippocrates, for example, discussed the use of herbs and the importance of observing the patient's symptoms before prescribing treatments.
Influence of Pharmacists ('φαρμάκοις'):
Roman Medicus:
Roman physicians often worked closely with pharmacists ('pharmacopolae'), who prepared and dispensed medicines based on the physician's instructions. The role of pharmacists was significant in the Roman healthcare system.
Greek Iatros:
Greek physicians had a more direct role in preparing medicines and often made their own remedies or closely supervised their preparation.
Both Roman and Greek physicians recognized the importance of patient observation and maintaining records of symptoms and treatments.Both systems incorporated a combination of empirical knowledge and theoretical principles.
In summary, while there were overlaps in the roles of Roman and Greek physicians, their approaches to medicine and patient care differed in terms of education, treatment methods, the use of medicinal substances, and the role of pharmacists. Roman medicine leaned towards practical interventions, while Greek medicine emphasized holistic approaches and balance within the body. These distinctions reflect the broader cultural and historical contexts of the Roman and Greek civilizations.”
Monday, 18 September 2023
Gospel Message
We see the manner, actions, customs, and sayings of the Christ foretold in scriptures since most ancient times, with power in all the workings of Nature and power in the lives of believers, power to save those who believe in and hold to these sayings and keep to these ways. The gospel sayings and the teachings today of the Holy Spirit mirror the sayings we find in ancient scripture writings. Jesus’ sayings and those of his apostles aligned closely with the ancient sayings of the scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus and his apostles proclaimed the importance of this name, the manner, actions, customs, and sayings of the Christ, in salvation and righteousness and faith, leading to eternal life. Those who hold to these teachings and believe in this Son of Man, a chosen man mediating between mankind and God, having provided cleansing for sin on the cross by his own body and blood, those who do all this are the true disciples of Jesus who are in fellowship with him this way, and he will one day raise them from the dead if they die, or if they are still alive when he comes, he will give them immortality together with those he raises. Then he will be judge of the living and the dead and there will be himself, his disciples and the Father together forever, kept free from sin by this Son of Man and his Father who is God the king above all spirits.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Spirit of the Christ
There is often much debate over what is meant by the spirit of Christ existing long before the time of Christ. This is such a mysterious subject. Jesus said “Before Abraham was born, I am”. The apostle Peter wrote that prophets such as Isaiah, who lived and prophesied and wrote prophetic scriptures centuries earlier, wrote about Christ because of the spirit of Christ influencing them. It is a mystery, just as so much about ‘spirit’ is a mystery.
It was in the early and mid nineties when I most definitely experienced Jesus Christ. Looking back now at this, it stands out that the events mostly took place in a manner of spirit.
There is something in us which is capable of experiencing influences of a higher order than our imagination and intellect. If you have ever had a dream which educated you or gave you some kind of warning or enlightenment you might understand me saying that it takes you beyond your own capabilities of reason and inference. It might even tell you things you find to be true but could not possibly have known for yourself. Knowledge of the future might be one element of this: Precognition, as it is technically called. At times this might stand out in how it evidences the existence of spirit beings of one kind or another. The dream is interacting with our consciousness in some mysterious way. Science tells us so little about this because it is known subjectively with little evidence that can be studied by scientific objective means.
There is something in our makeup which transcends our physical capabilities and can be communicated with by others by this same means. If you extend this into the paranormal you might realise that a spirit of a person can outlast their physical life by many years. That spirit of a person, sometimes witnessed as a ghost, somehow encapsulates the essence of that person. The things the person tended to do and say can be infused into their spirit and outlast that person’s lifetime and if we accept testimonies of some people and cultures, can be encountered by others who are still physically living. This infusing of a spirit with the manners, customs, thoughts, actions, words of its owner is so important to our understanding of what spirit means. I do not know whether the spirit is infused or whether the spirit infuses. Similarly, the word ‘infusion’, merely a possible analogy with how essences are infused into water or alcohol, is just one possible model for this mystery. But with Christ I find that the experiences of him, which I constantly ponder from decades ago, strike me as fitting this model, where the spirit of him communicated with me at what appeared to be the innermost level of my own spirit the same kind of actions and words and miracles of Jesus Christ as we find recorded in the gospels. He works via his spirit. The Holy Spirit too is imbued with this same Christ.
Of course, the Holy Spirit can reach many all at once. The record in the book of Acts tells how the Holy Spirit descended upon the congregated disciples of Jesus after Jesus returned to the Father. The Spirit separated into a tongue of fire upon the head of each disciple as they all prayed together and they all started prophesying in languages they had never learned. Others from various countries crowding outside heard them speak in their foreign native languages. This shows, as we accept it today, that the Holy Spirit can act upon many all simultaneously, like the many tongues of fire resting on many individuals at once. So this Holy Spirit can minister the manner and actions and words of Jesus all at once to many.
This transcends time too. The Holy Spirit sees the thoughts of God who tells the end from the beginning. So even thousands of years before Christ was born, the Holy Spirit knew the things of Christ, his manner and words and actions.
There may be more to it than this, in that the actual spirit of Christ might spiritually have existed through all the ages before Christ’s birth. Once we learn of things of spirit the matter of pre-existence becomes clearer. Yet it is still like a faint reflection of all that can be known. We can join the dots but the more dots there are, the easier and more certain it becomes.
What did the apostle John understand in addition to all this? It appears from the first part of his gospel that he was given understanding that this can be extended back to before the universe, that it was all true back then. God still could foresee all this. The Holy Spirit still knew these things of God and of the Christ. The Christ was spirit even back then. Thus all the created universe had these things sewn in. The word was there in all of this. He, the word, is divine with God the Father.
If we look at the ancient scripture collection called the Book of Enoch we find this spirit of Christ called the Son of Man (probably a translation from Sumerian originally and more lately from Ge’ez, both serving as sacred scripture languages in ancient times). The manner, actions, customs, sayings of this Son of Man, his name, has power, it says in Nature via what chief governing spirits called the Oath. So we see the manner, actions, customs, sayings of the Christ being there in most ancient times in the domains of chief spirit beings. The gospel sayings and teachings of the Holy Spirit even today mirror these ancient writings. Jesus’ sayings and those of his apostles aligned closely with them. They proclaimed the importance of this name in salvation and righteousness and faith, leading to eternal life. Those who hold to these teachings and believe in this Son of Man, a chosen man mediating between mankind and God, are the disciples of Jesus who are in fellowship with him this way and he will one day raise them from the dead if they die, or if they are still alive when he comes, he will give them immortality together with those he raises. Then he will be judge of the living and the dead and there will be himself, his disciples and the Father together forever, kept free from sin by this Son of Man and his Father who is God the king above all spirits.
Saturday, 16 September 2023
It is a test
Each of us, globally, is being tested, to see if we will be moral. There is a kind of mindset called realism, prevalent among world leaders and globalism teachers which is amoral, it disregards morality altogether. Hard testing is happening to each of us everywhere to see if we will let these amoral teachers teach us or if we will allow our moral code to guide our actions. They will not help us decide but will lead us on as if morals do not exist. It is a test.
He who gives us the Apocalypse is the gentle master
I kind of agree with those who say that Jesus is one of the gentle folk. He works around the globe by that spirit that came upon him as a dove, the ultimate symbol of gentleness that hovers over the waters, gently considering everything and weighing up what comes next. This spirit sees what is in each of us, irrespective of what society sees, and knows the full rainbow of human nature, and takes it all into account justly. Jesus is like this spirit in how he uses the whole spectrum of the clouds to preside over the acts of God. Gentle and kind and taking everything into account and yet not accepting mere human testimony but aligning with the testimony of God while still presiding over natural justice. He who gives us the Apocalypse is the gentle master.
Saturday, 9 September 2023
The Oath and the Name
We can follow the Spirit of Truth into all truth. He teaches us that Jesus is alive and well and is truly a human with the Father for our representation to God the Father, and the Father’s representative with us. The Spirit of Truth teaches that the name of this Son of Man, Jesus, is the power by which Nature stays in keeping with God’s will, God’s order. It is the power of this name of the Son of Man which is the power by which trees bud and put forth leaves. The Spirit teaches the very oldest scriptures such as the Book of Enoch and these explain how this power of Jesus Christ the Lord’s name came to be so central in how Nature operates. The ancient times were troubled by disaster. Angels mingled with human women and produced giants as offspring and even the archangels were troubled. The order the archangels maintained was being threatened. Heavenly power was being distributed beyond the orderly will of God and upset was inevitable unless the balance of power could be redressed. How? The balance of power was normally maintained by an Oath of angels which set out boundaries such as tidal ranges of the seas, seasons, orbits of planets, cycles of Nature. Now the Oath needed bolstering. So the Name of the Son of Man was the good force needed to counteract the disorder introduced by fallen angels who had mixed with human women and had taught them arts they were not meant to know, and had led humans into the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age revolutions with immoral results. The Name of the Son of Man, his reputation in the prophetic word of God among some inner circle angels and the Spirit of Christ Jesus there in heaven, this name could strengthen the Oath, and this was done among the archangels. Now Nature is bolstered in its order and cycles and boundaries and orbits, and it is by the same name, teachings and their reputation, righteous character and reputation, moral authority of the Lord Jesus Christ which saves us too, when we believe in accordance with it and by it are brought to God by this living Christ, the Saviour, who frees us from our sins and bolsters our right living. On a cross Christ died for you to bring you to God. Now he lives to maintain the right ways of God in your life and mine as we unite with him and believing, we adhere to his teachings.
The Feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue
Ukrainian mixture of iron fascism with other races, a product of a Soviet experiment. Lavrov’s analysis is very interesting. It is as though he describes the iron mixed with clay feet of the famous prophetic dream of ancient emperor Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2. Then what will be the stone that breaks away from the mountain and smashes those brittle feet? The kingdom that is called the kingdom of God that will last and last. Maybe a theocracy is rising to break away from some great power and collide with the monstrous experiment. That in fulfilment of longtime mystery that has baffled great minds, Daniel 2 and the statue of Nebuchadnezzar. Interesting times. Very dangerous times indeed.
Biden’s White Eagle Eye
Biden in truth told Xi Jinping that the eagle eyes of USA were watching China. But it is reciprocal. The eagle is hovering over USA as well as over China. Standards of ethics and morality are broken everywhere and right living people are guilty of it too. Some are held to account. Such people are both sides of the Pacific (and both sides of the Atlantic). It is something pronounced since the 1990s. Isreal, USA, NATO members as well as China, Russia, Global South. The eagle, the prophetic near-apocalyptic sign so familiar by now, is not just watching but is reminding of possibilities of carnage below. Biden was doing so well to express it at top level. I hope he keeps on doing so. Yet China can say those same words to Biden at top level too, if it holds to these truths and seeks out and loves the truth. One God. One truth.
Scripture and Truth
I do not hold to sola scriptura, as it is called, but most important truth is recorded in scripture somewhere, even if it is in what protestants call apocrypha. “Do not go beyond what is written” hints at this. I do not abide by the protestant, Church of England doctrine, nor Methodist modification of it that all essentials of eternal life are in scripture, because in history many scriptures were excluded which Jesus includes. The Holy Spirit leads into ALL truth which includes some truths found mainly in excluded books such as the Book of Enoch and in Tobit, etc.. But if scriptures never mention something at all which we think is important, we need to seriously reexamine whether it is true. Most truths related to salvation can be proven from scripture, even if we have to include largely forgotten and excluded scriptures to do it. Having said this, scripture itself records the truth that secrets are revealed which nobody except a few or even just one or two know. This is a gift to those few. “I will write on him a name known only to himself” says the Lord in Revelation, as a reward to the faithful. There are secrets which no scriptures record but are revealed to a few or to one. Apostle Paul and the Apostle John both record in scripture that they were told truths they could not tell, were forbidden from telling.
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Who is the Son of Man?
The Son of Man, Jesus, is the human who has such a relationship with the Father (sonship) that he can act as go-between, between the Father and us humans. Moses called him “one like me”. Moses had been such a go-between. Jesus even more so because he is the beloved first begotten Son. Part of this is that other humans too are united with this Son of Man in belief in him and adherence to his teachings, and these extend his body, infused with the spirit of God in his name. This way God interacts with mankind. Still today. Forever.
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Saving the world today
How do the top leaders save the world? By loving God enough to pass on what God says. There are top leaders doing this today on both sides of the ominous line. This is a tremendous relief, given how high the stakes are.
Saturday, 2 September 2023
Daniel 3: the invisible entities
“Daniel 3” I was told by an invisible entity who knew my thoughts. It was a precise answer to my thoughts because I realised it was a bible chapter and when I looked it up there was an editorial note in the margin which answered what I was pondering. Invisible entities exist. The way Nature works depends on them in ways they can actually explain to us. Jesus is the most important person in this. His name is used hy these entities to maintain order and run the processes of Nature. God is lord of it all. The inner aspects of our existence are intertwined with all this and as the saying goes “deep calls to deep”. Jesus is there in this too, able to tug at our heart strings. Master over us if we believe and become members of the household of God, the Father. I know so little of it all. Baby level knowledge. The entities look after me when visible mere humans oppose me and threaten my wellbeing. That is the meaning of Daniel 3.
Friday, 1 September 2023
Mastering what it means to be human
There are those who seek to give human life meaning by how it advances a new generation of human beings. Yet there is meaning in human life already because there is a human who has mastered what it means to be human and this is the one human, the Son of Man. Life is fully mastered: He is the one who has mastered it and stands there at the right hand of God, alive from the dead, having mastered sinless obedience to God his Father. Holding to his teachings is the path towards mastery of human life lived to the full. Jesus Christ, the Lord.