
Friday, 22 September 2023

O heavenly dove

 "Surely, no one can obstruct their baptism with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we did."

These words marked a pivotal moment in the emergence of Christianity, as it was the first occasion when Jewish followers of Jesus bore witness to the Holy Spirit being poured out upon Gentiles. The Holy Spirit, represented as a dove, had entered the hearts of a non-Jewish family, leading them to spontaneously prophesy in languages they had never learned. This was the visible expression of the Holy Spirit's inner presence within them as they listened to Peter proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ. Sent by God the Father in Jesus' name, the Holy Spirit flowed like a wellspring within them, causing them to speak mysteries of God in unfamiliar tongues, akin to the experiences of Peter and other Jewish followers.

This constitutes the essence of it all. Jesus Christ's ministry commenced years earlier, with the Holy Spirit descending upon him as a gentle dove during his baptism. Following Jesus' resurrection and return to God, the Holy Spirit was granted to those who believed in his teachings and name. This same Spirit resided within these disciples, empowering them to offer praise to God in unknown languages and, on occasion, translate those foreign or angelic words into their native tongue for comprehension. In this way, they could glean insights into the mysteries of God's wonders.

Now, Peter bore witness to this overflow of the Spirit extending to non-Jews as well. These individuals were filled with the presence of the dove-like Spirit, sent from heaven to guide them. This Spirit would encourage honest and open communication, temper anger, foster faithfulness in relationships, and lead them into all truth. The subsequent step for them was water baptism in the name of Jesus. As Jesus teaches those who believe, "Pray, 'Our Father: ... Give us this day our daily bread... for how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask of Him.'"