All these people who think the spelling of the name Jesus is what is meant by his ‘name’, no. A name is the reputation you live up to. That is what it means to believe in the name of Jesus. His name is faithful and true. His name is deliverance. These are his reputation which he always lives up to. Believe in this and you will please God. Invoke the way Jesus Christ lives up to his reputation for being always faithful, being always true and being the great deliverer sent by God. Then you will be saved. Hold to his teachings for their truth, their faithfulness to the teachings he received from God his father, their constant truthfulness and faithfulness over the centuries of time and their ability to save us from our inner tendencies to sin and damn ourselves by our actions, then you will be holding to his name in faith, in persuasion that this name can save you. This all leads to eternal life and resurrection by him who died and now lives forever.