We can follow the Spirit of Truth into all truth. He teaches us that Jesus is alive and well and is truly a human with the Father for our representation to God the Father, and the Father’s representative with us. The Spirit of Truth teaches that the name of this Son of Man, Jesus, is the power by which Nature stays in keeping with God’s will, God’s order. It is the power of this name of the Son of Man which is the power by which trees bud and put forth leaves. The Spirit teaches the very oldest scriptures such as the Book of Enoch and these explain how this power of Jesus Christ the Lord’s name came to be so central in how Nature operates. The ancient times were troubled by disaster. Angels mingled with human women and produced giants as offspring and even the archangels were troubled. The order the archangels maintained was being threatened. Heavenly power was being distributed beyond the orderly will of God and upset was inevitable unless the balance of power could be redressed. How? The balance of power was normally maintained by an Oath of angels which set out boundaries such as tidal ranges of the seas, seasons, orbits of planets, cycles of Nature. Now the Oath needed bolstering. So the Name of the Son of Man was the good force needed to counteract the disorder introduced by fallen angels who had mixed with human women and had taught them arts they were not meant to know, and had led humans into the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age revolutions with immoral results. The Name of the Son of Man, his reputation in the prophetic word of God among some inner circle angels and the Spirit of Christ Jesus there in heaven, this name could strengthen the Oath, and this was done among the archangels. Now Nature is bolstered in its order and cycles and boundaries and orbits, and it is by the same name, teachings and their reputation, righteous character and reputation, moral authority of the Lord Jesus Christ which saves us too, when we believe in accordance with it and by it are brought to God by this living Christ, the Saviour, who frees us from our sins and bolsters our right living. On a cross Christ died for you to bring you to God. Now he lives to maintain the right ways of God in your life and mine as we unite with him and believing, we adhere to his teachings.