
Saturday, 9 September 2023

Scripture and Truth

 I do not hold to sola scriptura, as it is called, but most important truth is recorded in scripture somewhere, even if it is in what protestants call apocrypha. “Do not go beyond what is written” hints at this. I do not abide by the protestant, Church of England doctrine, nor Methodist modification of it that all essentials of eternal life are in scripture, because in history many scriptures were excluded which Jesus includes. The Holy Spirit leads into ALL truth which includes some truths found mainly in excluded books such as the Book of Enoch and in Tobit, etc.. But if scriptures never mention something at all which we think is important, we need to seriously reexamine whether it is true. Most truths related to salvation can be proven from scripture, even if we have to include largely forgotten and excluded scriptures to do it. Having said this, scripture itself records the truth that secrets are revealed which nobody except a few or even just one or two know. This is a gift to those few. “I will write on him a name known only to himself” says the Lord in Revelation, as a reward to the faithful. There are secrets which no scriptures record but are revealed to a few or to one. Apostle Paul and the Apostle John both record in scripture that they were told truths they could not tell, were forbidden from telling.