
Thursday, 28 September 2023

Now is the time

 It is the time now for every person to follow Jesus. Not just non-Jewish but Jewish too, not just Jew and Christian but from any background, creed, religion. This is time to forgive, to sort things out with others who have wronged us, to sort things out with those we have wronged, to work things out, to find truth, to seek and to find and to work things out. Because God has made a new covenant which is for every person who finds it, which makes everything like this worth it, which makes finding the truth worth it. There will be many who will trip us up when we all meet together in this new covenant but it is worth it, we just need to step over those stumbling blocks again and again. We need to overcome the hurdles because this covenant is worth the trouble. There will always be trouble, but it should not put us off. God is making it all worth finding Him. Whoever we are. Whatever our creed or religion. God has provided teachings about all this. A way is provided. A means to find forgiveness from Him when we forgive each other and work things out with each other. There is forgiveness on offer, and also a cleansing, by a sacrifice for sin, by the sacrificial death of God’s own dear Son for each of us, whoever we are, whatever we did in the past. It is a way to be clean of ethical failings. The cross paid for it. Christ Jesus dying for you put a way ahead open for you. Let us each find it and find cleansing with this new covenant God has made. There is a gospel message for each of us to hear. Believing it, we can be changed, so we stop our failing in major ways that bring us down and make us subject to a deserved punishment of death. It is now possible to find a man who can keep us from such death. The man who God in His covenant has provided to lead us away from such a deserved death and free us from the causes of such punishment into a life of hope and eternal mercy and eternal life from God. This man is mediator between God and us all. This Christ Jesus is alive from the dead having died for you and me. He made God’s standards of right living in all situations of life and death and now serves forever as go-between to lead each of us into a right way of living that pleases God, and goes on pleasing Him, so it is possible to live under this new covenant. It is now possible to find a right path in life that is in fellowship with God. His holy Spirit can teach it to each of us if we believe. The gospel message of Christ dying for you, when you believe it, opens up the way for God to give you this spirit to influence you into ceasing from your lies and your uncontrolled rage and your unfaithfulness in relationships the like and guide you into a fellowship with others who believe, while God does miracles among you all, as you tell the truth to each other, forgive each other, find forgiveness, stop hating each other and love each other, and this Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. You will all be a temple of living people, built together into one people. Now is the time. God has opened it all up to you by His new covenant by the blood of Jesus the Christ, His Son. It is worth finding this covenant and living the life. Jew, non-Jew, whatever your religion, there is this life to be found.