
Sunday, 9 June 2024

No small undertaking

 God’s words, delivered through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his apostles, unite those who embrace them through principles of righteousness, pure living, and the inherent power and soundness of mind in those teachings. Anyone who embraces these teachings and the spirit within them is united with their teacher, who is, in turn, united with God and His Son. There is no need for any additional shared being beyond this unity. The teachings of Oneness Pentecostal modal oneness or the Trinitarian consubstantial divine being are unnecessary and corrupting philosophies. The latter has been enforced in my country across Churches Together member churches. Reversing this philosophical error would be a significant undertaking. The previous history of theological rulings only adds to the legacy that needs correcting. Hymns, choruses, canonical church laws, liturgies, study courses, church seminary courses and exams, catechisms, baptismal formulae, literature, and perhaps even secular laws and politics, are all impacted. It is a system with many interdependent parts, so changing one part necessitates changes in many others. Additionally, qualified clergy, lay preachers, teachers of children, and administrators all need to learn new doctrine, or rather, the original doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and his apostles, purified of disruptive philosophies: all in reverence to Jesus Christ and his anointing.