The ‘Logos’, the Word, was Godlike and was WITH the Most High God and was set apart for becoming Christ. The human weaknesses and tendency to fail was not characteristic of this Word before becoming flesh. Then this Word was sent out by the Most High God, and given a body. This immediately put the Word into a different category, the category of flesh with its reputation for failing due to weakness. “The flesh is weak.” Distinct from the Most High God, he was only made literally the only-begotten offspring of the Most High God by conception when a body was given to him. The Word becoming in flesh the man named Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Most High God, the Word of the Most High God, was truly flesh and truly human with propensity for failing, yet he lived a perfect life, even more perfect than human ancestor King David who had been faultless in obeying God and commands of God except in the matter of Bathsheba’s husband Uriah. Jesus did better. Human yet the best a human could be and the closest to his former form of Godlike purity. This makes him ideal as mediator between perfect holy God and failing weak man. He became a sacrifice for man, to purify disciples from their sins. Dying on a cross, in perfected obedience, despite being human. He lived as his disciples could learn to live, by believing, having his teachings within them and being given knowledge of the truth by Jesus the Christ. His unity with both the Most High God and with his disciples was due to spirit words of the Most High God given to him to teach to his disciples (continued via the Holy Spirit during and after the Pentecost event). The disciples could live that way and must do so to be children of God. The words, teachings, spirit, are like an inner gyroscope constantly working within each one who has them, correcting them constantly, keeping them upright in their lives in the same heavenly uprightness, thus giving an inner unity of spirit shared by all. This is what is shared, and living this way they have promise from Jesus of eternal life. God raised His Son from the dead only a few days after the crucifixion by which Jesus the Son died. God can raise the disciples too, those worthy of it. Now alive from the dead, Jesus has more of his former glorious Godlikeness, no longer limited by weaknesses he had before his death. This will be the same for those he will raise, eternally. Then the Lord Jesus will sit upon his Father’s throne until all enemies are made subject to him along with all others except the Father, God. God his God makes it so. Then after all things are subjected to him, he in turn will be subject forever to God his Father. God will be all in all. That is why Jesus calls his Father, his God, the only true God.