
Sunday, 9 June 2024

True Unity where no other is needed

 God’s words of spirit given through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles bring together those who embrace them through the principles of righteousness, pure living, and the power and soundness of mind inherent in those words. Everyone who has these words, these teachings, the spirit of these words, is united with their teacher who is in turn united with God and His Son. This produces the same oneness between the Father and the Son, the Son and the disciples, and among the disciples themselves. The Lord Jesus can work within and alongside those united in this way, just as the Father can work within and alongside the Son. Prayers can be answered through this unity of spirit and righteous living. These are wise words, spiritually uniting words, and teachings of life-giving words. There is no need for any further shared being than is found in this oneness.