The Father is the greatest being in the Universe. Jesus, while having all things subject to him, will always be subject to the Father. This order of subjection - firstly, subjection of all things to the Son, and then, subjection of the Son and all things in him to the Father - means that ultimately, all things will forever be subject to the Father, the ultimate one true God.
Even now, all things in Nature are subject to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and eventually, even his enemies will be subject to him. Apart from the Father, Jesus is the greatest being in the Universe by his power, despite being truly human. We recognize him as Lord, yet he is second only to God the Father, who is the ultimate God. Therefore, it is not inaccurate to call Jesus a mighty god-being.
The Father gives all things to Jesus out of love, and Jesus submits to the Father in all things, also out of love. This is not a philosophical ‘substance’ concept but all a matter of their love and unity.