
Monday, 2 September 2024

Apocalyptic Angels Now

 Which angels of end times might be influencing our lives today? Some angels presiding over major world events are mentioned in Revelation. Some specific angels mentioned in Revelation might affect us today.

Abaddon is mentioned in Revelation. This angel leads a possibly supernatural army towards the end of the end times, but might be a major leading angel already. Calling this angel an ‘angel of the Abyss’ might imply it is one of the major angels who are going eventually to be judged by Jesus in the Abyss of fire. In our times this angel might be the leader presiding over the last wide-scale persecutions and martyrdoms of the apocalyptic fifth seal, such as we have seen in the last decade in the Middle East. 

The fourth horseman is mentioned in regard to the apocalyptic fourth seal, likely presiding over the wars which engulfed a quarter of the world in the 1940s, but when we see ongoing effects of these wars even today it might indicate the continuing work and authority of this angel. 

The dragon mentioned in Revelation seems to be the angel Satan mentioned throughout the gospel scriptures. When a region is under huge opposition it might indicate the actions of this angel. If this dragon flies into a region and falls upon it like a star from heaven, woe will follow in that region. We have seen in recent times at least two regions being sequentially subject to huge opposition and aggression. 

In decades to come all of these might still be very active, but others might join them. Joel foretold a whole army of fearsome angelic hosts. This is not unleashed until 144000 saints are sealed for their protection. It follows huge cataclysmic events of the start of the severe wrath of God. Some way off perhaps. Yet the foreboding of it might affect us years before it happens. First stage of the angelic unleashing of wrath, after the sealing of 144000 saints, will be the burning of a huge percentage of the global grass and trees. Then it gets worse. Lucky those who have passed away before these things begin. The angels presiding over some of these things might be waiting in the wings, held back by the mercy and forbearance of God and the prayers of the saints, yet the Lord has promised the martyrs that it will only be a little while before they are avenged, waiting for their full number to be martyred. There is always a balancing of interests.