
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Avoiding the 666 mark

 How will the saints avoid taking the mark of 666? By understanding that our bodies are temples of God, dedicated to reflecting His name and glory, we would naturally reject anything that could drive God to abandon this temple permanently. This awareness would strengthen us against taking the 666 mark. Indeed, this truth is what will set the faithful free from giving in to such temptation. Applied to the corporate body - the gathered community of baptized believers - this principle means that if one within the circle were to take the mark, the others should, in horror, expel that person swiftly to prevent the Holy Spirit from being so deeply offended that He might abandon the entire group. While it may be our children who face this challenge, we can prepare them by teaching and preserving this truth within our churches, doing everything we can to ensure that it remains, God willing, when the terrible trial of the 666 mark comes.