
Friday, 6 September 2024

How we process what we read and hear

 Jesus Christ’s words of long ago can still speak to you today. I can speak to you and you know I am speaking to you. I can speak to someone else and you know I am not addressing you, but addressing them, so you still hear it but your mind processes it differently. I can speak to a crowd you are in, and you know it is addressed to others but also addressed to you, so your mind receives it accordingly. Say I make road signs. I could be told by traffic authorities to make a road sign and you see it and know it is relevant to you as you drive, and you process it accordingly. Say I work as an administrator for a company employing you. I can write a letter to your colleague and you see it and know it is not addressed to you, so you treat it accordingly. I can write a letter for general circulation in your workplace and you understand it applies to you. I might not have been specifically thinking of you personally when writing it, but t still applies to you. Consider lawmakers. Your country’s lawmakers wrote things in the past, knowing they would probably still be law today. If you read a code of how to do things legally today and it is still legally applicable to you, it might be that it was written by people so long ago that you were not even born when they wrote it. When they wrote it, they might not have thought of you personally, but as lawmakers they probably understood that it would apply to your generation. Now consider the Christ, Jesus Christ. Jesus tasked his apostles with writing things, writing his sayings, writing things related to these sayings, that would apply to future generations. Some of the things they wrote might relate to people other than yourself. Some might actually relate to you. Consider the Holy Spirit, the inspirer of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit inspired things knowing the mind of God: the Father who knows the end from the beginning. Jesus had immediate knowledge of God too, just like Moses did before him. Jesus has it even more so, as the only begotten Son, by very close association with the Father. God, the Father, knows the future and the very end of things. That includes knowledge of people who live in our generation. The Holy Spirit searches such things of the Father and also knows all the things of the Son. Jesus had things written for our particular time. This is especially so in the Book of Revelation, the Apocalypse. Some of this book applies even to us today. The Holy Spirit inspired prophecies in even more ancient times, prophecies which were some of them targeted especially at us today. Some such things were written down. We can read such things. As we read them we can suddenly become aware that they were written with us in mind. You might even find things written with you in mind. Some things apply to others which perhaps do not apply to you. Some things apply to everyone and therefore also apply to you. Some things apply to you more than to some others. It is important how we read and hear and process what we hear.