Imagine if the only purpose of your existence is to persuade others to abandon their light. You might tell yourself and others you are offering them hope by removing from them light which scares them. But your purpose becomes one of removing what is real and replacing it with an absence of reality. Darkness. Imagine if you become a light remover, a darkness creator. Imagine you end up like that. At the end of your life that was all you did. And your life perhaps even ended early as a result. Imagine the purpose of the end of your life becomes this: that your life ended to protect others from your darkness. It would be nicer if your life ended up a more positive thing, yes? But as you get towards it looking like a positive thing, along someone comes and tries to delete your light and replace it with darkness. Imagine that. You have to hope they will fail. You have to struggle. You get relief when they are thwarted. Then things look brighter. Your future looks brighter. Your outlook has light in it. You are happy to be persuaded of reality.