
Thursday, 5 September 2024

Won over to a context of shared persuasion

 Jesus observed the feasts and the Sabbath and kept the commandments, yes. His teachings were a series of commandments based on the ten commandments, yes. Is it enough to simply do all these things, to know the words and try to obey them? The Pharisees did all those things. Saul of Tarsus did all that before his conversion.  For Saul of Tarsus to be converted to truly live as Jesus lived, he had to be made aware that Jesus is alive, that Jesus is the Lord of us, and that Jesus is the light of the world sent by the Father. Just knowing the words was not enough. Saul of Tarsus had heard the words. He needed to be won over by Jesus, to be persuaded. The commandments then make more perfect sense within this context of those who are so persuaded. No longer just words to obey. Lying to others who are so persuaded gets put aside in favour of truthful speech, realising that those won over to Jesus are all members of one body. Hatefulness when angry seems so inappropriate in such a context that it is eliminated. Stealing gets replaced by hard work in order to be a provider in this new context where some are poor and need our help. Old ways are put off and new ways adopted which are appropriate for such a group of fellow believers persuaded and won over to the living Jesus, their Lord who brings them together. The commandments make perfect sense in this context and are kept and obeyed in a life-giving way, in the spirit of them, not mere lifeless obedience to the dry empty letter of the words.  It all stems from awareness of the Lord, Jesus, being alive from the dead having died on a cross for the sins of all of us who are persuaded of this. It makes us a body of believers among whom his commands are so appropriate to obey that we obey them lovingly: All joyful in hope of his promised eternal life. That context is also one of those who have been cleansed from sin by the power of God, on believing the gospel. The power which comes when the gospel is believed, it first and foremost straightens out serious sinful behaviours. Jesus Christ is alive, risen from the dead. Christ died for you.