Merging. When in my day job, developing software and websites, you get two developers working on the same parts of the system, you have to merge what one does with what the other does. Likewise, outside of my day job, I am having to be careful in considering church merging. When God puts straight a doctrine that has gone wrong, we end up with strands of church doctrine - a corrected one and the original strands and maybe strands which have been corrected in other ways too. Each might have its own hymns sung in churches, books written, preachers trained. Merging all these is quite a challenge. Yet it has to be done, even if it takes many years. Faith requires it. Truthful honesty requires it. It seems God requires it. I must try learning the hymns and which ones match the corrected doctrines.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Sunday, 29 August 2021
Gospel at length
The production of divine offspring by divine beings taking humans for conception is unholy. There was no sanction for it from the topmost One True God. Only in one case was a holy divinity produced in history with full sanction from the Most High, One True God and that was when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus from the virgin Mary. So Jesus is a truly holy divine human being, the only begotten Son of God. Some think it means Jesus is Himself God as a kind of component person of a Triune God, but Jesus teaches and the Father teaches that the Father alone is the One True God while Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of this Father God. The focus of the two Virgin Birth narratives in the gospels Matthew and Luke is the holy nature of the conception of Jesus. The archangel divinity brought this highly important message. In the gospel of John it is simply stated that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. The bible Epistle of Hebrews calls Jesus the firstborn son of God. Even the Book of Enoch, near the end of the book, has a passage of prophecy in which God speaks of the Christ as His Son. So first consideration in the gospel is that Jesus came into the world by truly holy conception by the Holy Spirit and is rightly considered as begotten of God, truly the only begotten Son of God. Next consideration is the immediate family to whom Jesus was born. He was born from Mary who would marry a man descended from David. The promises of prophecy given to the ancient Israelite King David from God were that David would have a descendant who would build the Temple. The immediate fulfilment was Solomon, son of David, but so much was prophesied about a descendant of David being a son of God that it seems unlikely it was all fulfilled merely in Solomon and David elaborated in some of his psalms by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in what became regarded as foretelling of a Christ who was to come into the world as his descendant but also his lord. Over time prophesies came more fully proclaiming this Christ as the spirit of this coming Christ worked in prophets such as Isaiah. It all started to be fulfilled in Jesus as He grew to adulthood and eventually started a ministry of teaching and preaching and working miraculous signs given Him by God to do. He gained disciples who believed He is this Christ, the Son of God, descended from David. So the next consideration was how Jesus was fulfilling prophecies of ancient prophets. Ultimately Jesus focused on prophecies about a person Jesus described in the third person but also clarified to some was a direct reference to Himself as this person, someone proclaimed in prophecies of the Book of Enoch as the Son of Man, likewise in Exile prophet holy writings by Daniel and Ezekiel. This Son of Man, human messenger ordained specially by God Himself, had a prophetically designated ministry. It would involve suffering, dying at the hands of evil men, and being raised from the dead by God in vindication and in order to be the judge over all at the end of the age. The fact this Son of Man was also the only begotten Son of God would mean God would severely exact vengeance on those who killed Him, as history tells us happened when Rome utterly destroyed them around forty years later. The prophecies had foretold how this Christ, who believers identify as the Son of Man and the Lord Jesus Christ, would help believers by taking the wrath of God against their sins upon Himself as He died after severest torture. “He was bruised for our iniquities.” “By His stripes we are healed.” Yet He would rise from the dead. “He will not let His Holy One see decay.” The miracles were direct testimony from God the Father proclaiming Jesus’ glory. The focus then is on the lordship of this Master, Jesus, over the household of God. Finally it is on the lordship power of His name over all of Nature, as the Holy Spirit came and started to teach the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, leading them into all truth. This truth included the true beginning of Jesus as the Word of God, through whom God made all things. The end result of faith in this gospel is to believe that Jesus is the same now as He was then and will always be so, and then to hold to His teachings and be set free from binding, enslaving sins, to be cleansed and sanctified by God through Jesus’ blood sacrifice and to share in the overall extension of Jesus as each is added to Jesus as part of His body, covered by a covenant from God in Jesus’ blood, becoming effectively the outworking of the righteousness of God. This leads to eternal life, surviving the terrible judgement to come by not dying in your sins. It is all the outcome of the workings of God Himself by spirit in the gospel words and by the Holy Spirit workings in the believer, and by the effects of Jesus’ resurrection on improving the believer’s prospects. So the believer becomes in actuality a child of God, progeny of God, brothers or sisters together of Jesus, sharing His inheritance, living forever in fellowship with God and His Son, provided the believer continues to hold to Jesus’ teachings. The love of God is obediently reciprocated by believers among each other in love for God and Christ. The influence of Jesus as master over all grows forever as His disciples grow in number, obedience and good character, doing greater things than even Jesus did, now that Jesus is with the Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit works among the believers in private and as they meet to encourage and console and counsel. The sins are put aside, inappropriate for this scenario and since sins are not of God but of the devil who will come to nothing. The believers receive grace from God and focus their worship around a memorial of Jesus in the bread and wine of communion showing His death on the cross for our sins. Until He comes. He will soon come in the clouds to set things right, bringing saints in glory to share His ministry of judgment and rule, many raised from the dead for this and others transformed into similar immortality. It is all this that we can call the gospel as God has sanctified it. God boundlessly loves Jesus His Son and Jesus lives up to that love in a way God is well pleased with and God fully acknowledges Jesus as His pleasing Son. Yet only God, God the Father, says of Himself “I am God”. Jesus has believers, God’s household, as His household, and is over them as Master and is over all creation too but that does not make Him God, it makes Jesus Lord. The Holy Spirit acknowledges that all creation operates under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ’s name but still it is not the case that Jesus is the Only True God. The Father alone is that. Love is what most characterises God: love for His children even before they turned from their sins in faith and love for the command of Jesus. Love for His Father and faith in the Father’s love for Him characterises Jesus. The name of Jesus controls even Nature and sustains it, upheld by the faithful angels governing Nature. God deals with our sins, helping us deal with each other’s sins, correcting, cleansing and forgiving as we confess our sins, with Jesus ever living to intercede with God, knowing our human weaknesses, yet Himself sinless. We have a great high priest if we are in the household of God. We have hope. It is unacceptable that we sin still. Sin must end in our lives. This is the salvation Jesus brings. That is why He was named Jesus. Salvation.
Heard about the ancient giants?
Heard about the ancient giants? Unholy conceptions by divinities with humans producing these unholy divinities? One greater than the giants came by holy conception.
There is a lot of content these days about Giants. Around 3000 BC there were these guys, subject of many ancient legends, who were offspring of supernatural and natural parents, human mothers but divine fathers. Lots of legends existed over the following millennia about these monstrously powerful guys: Gilgamesh and Heracles/Hercules are perhaps the most well-known, although probably from a later time. Monsters of Greek mythology hark back to these times: Cyclops, Perseus, Medusa and so on. Having divine fathers and human mothers. Even the Bible book of Genesis mentions such beings, Nephilim, in Genesis 6. The Book of Enoch, a holy scripture well-known to Jesus and Jesus’ disciples and many Jews of that time, has much to say about the origins of these giant divine humans. The divinities who produced them were punished for it severely because God, the Lord over all divinities, the Father, did not intend their liaisons with human women because God made the divinities immortal in Heaven, not in need of procreation for persisting their presence on Earth. The production of divine offspring by divine beings taking humans for conception is unholy. There was no sanction for it from the topmost One True God. Only in one case was a holy divinity produced in history with full sanction from the Most High, One True God and that was when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus from the virgin Mary. So Jesus is a truly holy divine human being, the only begotten Son of God. Some think it means Jesus is Himself God as a kind of component person of a Triune God, but Jesus teaches and the Father teaches that the Father alone is the One True God while Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of this Father God. The focus of the two Virgin Birth narratives in the gospels Matthew and Luke is the holy nature of the conception of Jesus. The archangel divinity brought this highly important message. In the gospel of John it is simply stated that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. The bible Epistle of Hebrews calls Jesus the firstborn son of God. Even the Book of Enoch, near the end of the book, has a passage of prophecy in which God speaks of the Christ as His Son.
Putting the record straight
The conception of Jesus in the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit meant Jesus is divine and holy and the only begotten Son of God but does NOT mean Jesus is literally God, the one and only God. Only the Father is the One True God. That is the confusion I must correct because God the Father corrects it. God boundlessly loves Jesus His Son and Jesus lives up to that love in a way God is well pleased with and God fully acknowledges Jesus as His pleasing Son. Yet only God, God the Father, says of Himself “I am God”. Jesus has believers, God’s household, as His household, and is over them as Master and is over all creation too but that does not make Him God, it makes Jesus Lord. The Holy Spirit acknowledges that all creation operates under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ’s name but still it is not the case that Jesus is the Only True God. The Father alone is that.
Saturday, 28 August 2021
My burden concerning the USA and the UK
@Americans: Speaking as a UK ally of Americans, sharing a fairly common path and heritage and culture, there are things happening in both our cultures and regions which stand out in recent years, decades. Our guys spy on your guys. Your guys spy on our guys. Like Edward Snowdon revealed. The violence on the ground mirrors the eagle of military surveillance in the air. Moving us both towards police state tightened bonds. We each culture gets violently and dishonestly sinful. So God judges us. Reliance on burdensome laws instead of love of God and His teachings through Christ means this will only get worse. But it is the just judgment of God upon us which we deserve in our respective societies. God is true even if every man is a liar. There we go. A prophecy from God.
The day and hour
There will come a time when everyone will know the day and hour of Christ’s return: When He is actually there before their eyes raising up His worthy ones for immortality. Obviously when the trumpet sounds many will know. Leading up to it some will know, because of their knowledge of God and the scriptures. The people who know their God will do exploits. Yet the actual coming will be a surprise. But not all will be completely in the dark about it. Then when He comes the clock of prophecy will be ticking the countdown of the thousand years. So after that coming the scripture-knowers will know there will be a thousand years before Final Judgement Day. Like Daniel knew because of the prophecy of Jeremiah that seventy years must pass and had passed. Enoch saw heavenly planning documents of God back in the days before the Flood. Noah knew the Flood was coming. The plans include clues about the coming of Christ to rule a thousand years but do not give the exact day and hour, yet they reveal a rough set of possibilities and related events. They reveal the time of the final judgement. So it is easy to subtract a thousand years from that. They are not precise enough to give an exact day and hour or even year or decade. But they give a rough idea.
My personal message to those who say the Book of Enoch is not inspired
My personal message those who say the Book of Enoch is not inspired:
Jesus trusted the Book of Enoch and taught the Sadducees to trust it. Do you trust Jesus?
Personally, I know Jesus and trust Him. He taught the Book of Enoch and led me to it and I know He taught it back in the days of His first disciples and the Holy Spirit brings teachings in Jesus’ name which I found matched the Book of Enoch. All this I rather trust than the modern equivalent of Sadducees today. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You have to really know the scriptures and power of God well to escape being in error. God gave me the best Master/Teacher in the universe. God commends Jesus to us all by the things God did through Him. Trust Jesus. Adhere to Jesus’ teachings. He is the Christ. He is of God. He is holy. He knows what is holy and what scriptures have holy inspiration. Trust that reliable testimony.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Is the Book of Enoch holy?
The most important question to answer about the Book of Enoch: Is it holy? Over the millennia it seems many have talked and written of Enoch. Some tales told of him teaching divination. Some tales tell of his visit to Heaven and subsequent teaching of what he learned there. In Hebrew and Greek scriptures of the Abrahamic faith he is venerated. In Islam it seems he is venerated as Idris. The Book of Enoch itself teaches that Enoch’s wisdom and knowledge did come from heaven and the teachings of the New Testament confirm that it is true and is prophecy from the Holy Spirit. Jesus confirmed it as scripture. Jude confirmed it as true prophecy and as coming from Enoch a true prophet. So if you really believe Jesus and the New Testament and delve into what they say and mean about the Book of Enoch, it is necessary to regard it as inspired, not by ungodly divination but by the Holy Spirit. Likewise this requires a conclusion that Enoch existed and in the times before the Flood wrote much of this book, together with Noah and Methuselah as the writings of true prophets and holy teachers. Holy because it is from the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit by whom Jesus also spoke.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Holy son of God unlike the Nephilim sons of gods
The Book of Enoch tells how Noah was very wonderful as a newborn baby such that his father grew afraid that he was born from a supernatural conception like with the Nephilim. This helps explain the virgin birth nativity story in Matthew and Luke. The focus of the exhortation of the angel to Joseph in Matthew chapter 1 seems not to address the scandalous possibility of Mary being with another man, but rather to address the question of what kind of supernatural conception happened with her. The exhortation to Joseph is that this conception was very much a holy eventuality because it was from the Holy Spirit, (i.e. not some other spirit like with the Nephilim). This means the people to whom Jesus was born have a real sense of God being so very close to them in that God’s very essence is in some senses carried in Jesus. The essence of God Himself is present in Jesus by this Holy Spirit virgin conception holy means in which He becomes flesh. It is thus truly actualised that God is with these people to whom Jesus is born. The essence of God’s miraculous working and spirit formed Jesus and continues in the human flesh existence of Jesus.
A supernatural virgin conception that is truly holy
The virgin birth is by the Holy Spirit meaning that the essence of God’s miraculous working and spirit formed Jesus and continues in the human flesh existence of Jesus. Here the first matter of importance is the holiness by which the virgin conceived and gave birth to the son of God Jesus - in this sense a son of God because it is a human conceived by miraculous means so called a son of a god yet not just by any spirit (Nephilim were conceived by angelic spirits Gen 6) but by the Holy Spirit so truly holy. Then the writer, Matthew, took the theme matter further to say that the essence of God Himself is therefore present in Jesus by this Holy Spirit virgin conception holy means in which He becomes flesh. So it is truly actualised that God is with these people to whom Jesus is born.
Sunday, 22 August 2021
Life before life
The pre-existence of Christ is one of the greatest secrets of the kingdom of God. It is little evident in Hebrew scripture what is put into an unborn being to make it a soul. Where a person begins before physical life begins is not revealed in Hebrew or Greek scripture. Yet there is a revelation of the beginnings of one person: The Christ. Before a zygote, a foetus,an embryo became an unborn baby and was born, there was something, someone, the Son of Man, the Word of God. Not just a twinkle in God’s eye. A being, a person. A living spirit. The Spirit of Christ. Yet of other people there is precious little if anything to say what of us exists before we take form as a soul with a body. “A body you have prepared for me. I have come to do your will O God” in prophetic writing Jesus speaks. Yet of the rest of us, do we inhabit a body given to us? What ‘we’ is it that inhabits a body if that is how it happens? Questions, few answers. Life before life. More mysterious than the afterlife.
Surviving the biblical perils to come
Pretribulationists say God would never allow believers to face the biblical perils around the corner. But God saves us in the midst of perils like He saved Daniel in the den of lions. God will put an angelic seal on believers who serve Him before the worst perils, global fires, global quakes, come. They will still go through it but will have a special status that leaves them untouched by the worst of it. At the end of it all Jesus will return to judge and rescue. Then the worthy dead believers will be raised immortal and the living ,worthy, mortal believers will be transformed to immortality. All will be judged. First the fallen and deadliest of angels. Then the believers. Then the reign of Christ will be followed by the judgement day of all.
Stealing the keys of knowledge
Trinitarians, by substituting so many scripture verses’ real meanings with Trinitarianism, subverting their original meanings, lose the keys of heavenly eternal life knowledge of truth and keep others from attaining it too.
Two sides of the coin
Two sides of a coin: Jesus crucified did the big work of God; we too need to quit sinning and the Spirit empowers it.
Purest water
If some of us love Jesus (surely millions of believing children love Jesus and have not heard Trinitarian philosophies like autotheos and hypostasis) enough we will take to heart His wondrous words of spirit in John’s gospel and elsewhere and know that the Father of Jesus is God over all. Then the Trinitarian sayings muddy the water. Let us shun muddy water and the slimy pit and let the pure water be in our hearts and mouths.
Saturday, 21 August 2021
Westminster Confession and Self-referential inconsistency
The Westminster Confession, of post Civil War England in the late 1600s, pushes Trinitarianism but not because of true scripture but because of reliance on writings of Trinitarians such as the post-200 AD reputed ‘church fathers’, church councils such as Nicea and Chalcedon, and reformers such as Calvin. This is ironic since that same Westminster Confession inconsistently also pushes sola scriptura, insisting essential doctrines must only be based on canonised (by them) scriptures.
Shamefully twisted Bible translations
If you know how to compare Bible translations online, and compare with the original Greek of New Testament scriptures, see how the Revised Standard Version RSV translates Romans 9:5 correctly compared with the Greek, unlike the others which push Trinitarianism into the verse: RSV “to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ. God who is over all be blessed for ever. Amen.” The others almost all try twisting the scripture into saying that the Christ is God. Just like Peter warns in 2 Peter 3:15-16. They do so to their own destruction, wrote Peter. From the Greek we can make out that Paul, not a Trinitarian of course (*), wrote that Christ according to the flesh was born to the Jews and then Paul praises God for it, saying “God be blessed forever”. Bearing in mind the Greek was originally written all in capitals with no punctuation.
(* It wasn’t until 200 AD that the Hellenistic theological philosophies of Origen paved the way for Classical Trinitarianism.)
Freedom is possible under rightful subjection or submission to God. Subjection to God becomes submissive service, becomes voluntary bond-slavery, becomes eventual freedom when you know the Master’s will. And Jesus provides the Mastery that sets free the knowledgable servant.
Human trafficking
Is human trafficking legal if undertaken by the military? If the military can legally traffic humans, that could be the answer for the deaths at sea of migrants to the UK: Legal interception at sea of the migrants by the military.
The Yoke of Christ Today
“Take my yoke upon you” — Jesus Christ.
Yoke. That’s an idiom for discipleship. The yoke like a cattle yoke. It ties one ox to another to pull a cart or attaches an ox or pair of oxen to a plough. Taking Christ’s yoke is submitting to Christ as teacher - the disciple submits to being tied to the teacher in order to learn from the teacher. The apprentice commits to the trainer for a course program. Even if you think maybe the scriptural records of teachings of Christ and Christ’s apostles is mistranslated, misunderstood, muddied water, when we read versions we have today, the yoke of Christ as teacher is still there to be taken, in submission to the living Christ as our living teacher, allowing Him the responsibility to reach us with His teachings. He is so powerful, as the spiritually empowered human lord there in Heaven next to God the Father, that He can reach us to teach us. And He will never again die now He is alive from the dead forever. The same as He was long ago and the same as He will be forever. Let us take His yoke upon us. The Holy Spirit will take from what is Christ’s (and all things are given to Christ by the Father) and make it known to us. Blessed be God forever.
Do reliable scriptures ever call Christ ‘God’?
Do reliable scriptures ever call Christ ‘God’? One scripture verse is easily misconstrued as calling Christ ‘God’ but it is probably not written with that intended meaning. Romans 9:5. Some unscrupulous (or wishful thinking) translators translate it as “... Christ who is God over all forever blessed” but it probably means “... who is Christ. God over all be blessed forever” Sorry Trinitarians. Nice try.
The Giants Event
The ‘Giants Event’. The Spirit of God must be highlighting the historical ‘Giants Event’ on Mount Hermon 5000 years ago because this was backdrop, the Book of Enoch tells us, to the heavenly adoption into angelic governance of the name of the Son of Man. Here the fabric of the angelic governing of all the workings of Earth and human life and all natural life took a turn and needed bolstering with Jesus’ name. The success of these measures are the background to the introduction of Jesus Christ, the Anointing this Jesus brings and teachings of spirit and truth and grace and sacrificial provision of Jesus’ crucifixion and the power of Jesus’ resurrection on which our faith relies.
Missing the Obvious
The atheist scientists and intellectuals are missing the obvious. Given the age scientists attribute to the universe and the speed they attribute to evolution, the possibility of there NOT being a Being capable of creating Earth and life on it is negligible. So they must be looking in the wrong direction. The atheist scientists and medics and other intellectuals must be distracted from the obvious, perhaps by a focus on merely disproving Ancient Classical philosophies of theology, such as omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence. To dismiss the likelihood the Earth and its inhabitants are creations is absurd given what scientists are concluding about evolution in the universe far beyond the time life on Earth has existed. What this does not tell us is about any possibility of creation of the universe itself, the birthing and distribution of stars and the establishment of natural laws. For that we need inspiration of truth. Here the ignorance of scientists is in many cases profound. Here we are in the realm of spirit and spiritual beings and how we all interact.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Hollow Philosophies
Maybe the churches will repent and turn back to the teachings of Christ, away from the hollowness of mere philosophies. Christ will receive a returning apostate. God the Father will welcome a returning prodigal. The Lord will receive back the wretched adulteress, as is told in the prophet Hosea’s scriptural book. The dry bones can live. The churches talk of revival. They need to think about returning to Jesus and His teachings first. Then the embrace of the Father can come once the prodigal actually returns.
Want to know the truth?
If you want to repent and follow Jesus, you need to believe that He is the same yesterday and today and forever and hold to His teachings. Then you will know.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Strength in weakness
Immortal, eternal Christ makes His reputation, fame, name, and teachings dwell in us, so we become the Temple.
How rightly He fared in weakness is central to Christ’s reputation, fame, name, and teachings.
Christ’s strength in His weakness drives all Creation, all Nature, holding it together.
Christ is Lord because He grows as we are added to Him. And so He will fill all things.
Monday, 16 August 2021
Becoming the righteousness of God
If you believe in Christ, did your belief lead you to put off old sinful ways in order to be the righteousness of God? That is true faith. Christ died and rose to make it possible. Many doctrines around today muddy the water, cloud the issue. Get back to what it is all about. Sharing in Christ is about becoming the righteousness of God, actually, not theoretically. God made a way to be righteous showing God’s righteousness as saviour. That involves the end of lying, murderously hating, being immoral, stealing. It involves the sacrifice of Christ in body and blood for the past sins so that a new, clean life can begin. It involves embracing that new life, putting off the former more depraved and unethical life. All made possible by God sending Jesus to do what is needed and lead us into this life, eternal life. Faith is in vain if it does not lead to this. Continuing in sinful ways after believing in Christ, that is completely unacceptable.
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Health and life by spirit
Jesus gives health and life by spirit and God gives you health and life because Jesus died for you and prays for you and you believe.
It is all about spirit
All the theology has problems because spirit is poorly understood and philosophy and science cannot handle it. Jesus works so much by spirit. God is spirit always and His work by His word is done as spirit. Spirit and time and space have a mysterious relationship. Spirit and matter and energy have a mysterious relationship little known to our sciences. Jesus is all about anointing of spirit. The Holy Spirit is so fully given to Jesus that it makes a growing impact on the universe and the kingdom of God. ‘Christ’, we call Jesus. Anointed with the Holy Spirit so fully that it essentially defines Him. It all comes from the Father through all time and filling all space mysteriously.
Friday, 13 August 2021
Against the Father Son form as ‘God’
People cannot have a philosophy of God as a ‘Father Son form’ (a combination which is ‘God’) and have Jesus’ words too. “If only I testified about myself my testimony would not be valid. Another testifies. The Father testifies.” Paraphrased, but Jesus did say this. If there is a Father Son form of God then it would make that saying of Jesus a perjury. Then there is the teaching of Jesus (and of Paul) that the Father alone is the Only True God and Jesus is the Christ sent by Him. (Interesting that in John 17:3 Jesus gives Himself a name title ‘Jesus Christ’ - the name we use of Him ‘Jesus Christ’ is apparently one He used of Himself in the third person.) It is the Father who Jesus says is the Only True God and it is the Father who Jesus identifies as His necessary second witness. If you hold to Jesus’ teaching you have to let go of that ‘Father Son God’ philosophy. People in following Jesus are going to have to drop their erroneous philosophies about God in order to hold to Jesus’ words to stay in fellowship with Jesus. Inevitable. People would ask/retort, What philosophy should we have then? Well forget philosophies for a bit until you know the truth. Just believe Jesus is. Hold to Jesus’ teachings. Be set free by truth. Then you might be content without a half-baked philosophy.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Jesus’ heritage
Jesus acknowledged being a Jew when non-Jews impressed it on Him, but He did not really identify as a Jew. He was from another place, another world, another kingdom. The kingdom of Heaven. The Father is His origin. That is paramount to Him in His teachings.
Stick with what Jesus taught
Trinity is not a teaching of Jesus. Rushing into it, you rush away from Jesus’ fellowship and God’s. Stick with what Jesus taught.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Christ’s Teachings Paramount
“Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.” 2 John 1:19
This is a striking verse. John could have taught that his own teachings were paramount, having himself been sent by Christ. Yet he taught that still it is Christ’s teachings which need to be followed for a person to have fellowship with God and with Christ. If we want to have Christ and the Father in our lives, we must follow Christ’s teachings now, and always. There is no second phase. It is Christ at the start and forever to the end. Yet if you do follow the teachings of Christ constantly through your life you can be assured, if you believe that Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, and hold to His teachings, you are promised to have Him with you in life, and the Father too.