There will come a time when everyone will know the day and hour of Christ’s return: When He is actually there before their eyes raising up His worthy ones for immortality. Obviously when the trumpet sounds many will know. Leading up to it some will know, because of their knowledge of God and the scriptures. The people who know their God will do exploits. Yet the actual coming will be a surprise. But not all will be completely in the dark about it. Then when He comes the clock of prophecy will be ticking the countdown of the thousand years. So after that coming the scripture-knowers will know there will be a thousand years before Final Judgement Day. Like Daniel knew because of the prophecy of Jeremiah that seventy years must pass and had passed. Enoch saw heavenly planning documents of God back in the days before the Flood. Noah knew the Flood was coming. The plans include clues about the coming of Christ to rule a thousand years but do not give the exact day and hour, yet they reveal a rough set of possibilities and related events. They reveal the time of the final judgement. So it is easy to subtract a thousand years from that. They are not precise enough to give an exact day and hour or even year or decade. But they give a rough idea.