
Thursday, 26 August 2021

Is the Book of Enoch holy?

 The most important question to answer about the Book of Enoch: Is it holy? Over the millennia it seems many have talked and written of Enoch. Some tales told of him teaching divination. Some tales tell of his visit to Heaven and subsequent teaching of what he learned there. In Hebrew and Greek scriptures of the Abrahamic faith he is venerated. In Islam it seems he is venerated as Idris. The Book of Enoch itself teaches that Enoch’s wisdom and knowledge did come from heaven and the teachings of the New Testament confirm that it is true and is prophecy from the Holy Spirit. Jesus confirmed it as scripture. Jude confirmed it as true prophecy and as coming from Enoch a true prophet. So if you really believe Jesus and the New Testament and delve into what they say and mean about the Book of Enoch, it is necessary to regard it as inspired, not by ungodly divination but by the Holy Spirit. Likewise this requires a conclusion that Enoch existed and in the times before the Flood wrote much of this book, together with Noah and Methuselah as the writings of true prophets and holy teachers. Holy because it is from the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit by whom Jesus also spoke.