
Friday, 13 August 2021

Against the Father Son form as ‘God’

People cannot have a philosophy of God as a ‘Father Son form’ (a combination which is ‘God’) and have Jesus’ words too. “If only I testified about myself my testimony would not be valid. Another testifies. The Father testifies.” Paraphrased, but Jesus did say this. If there is a Father Son form of God then it would make that saying of Jesus a perjury. Then there is the teaching of Jesus (and of Paul) that the Father alone is the Only True God and Jesus is the Christ sent by Him. (Interesting that in John 17:3 Jesus gives Himself a name title ‘Jesus Christ’ - the name we use of Him ‘Jesus Christ’ is apparently one He used of Himself in the third person.) It is the Father who Jesus says is the Only True God and it is the Father who Jesus identifies as His necessary second witness. If you hold to Jesus’ teaching you have to let go of that ‘Father Son God’ philosophy. People in following Jesus are going to have to drop their erroneous philosophies about God in order to hold to Jesus’ words to stay in fellowship with Jesus. Inevitable. People would ask/retort, What philosophy should we have then? Well forget philosophies for a bit until you know the truth. Just believe Jesus is. Hold to Jesus’ teachings. Be set free by truth. Then you might be content without a half-baked philosophy.