The production of divine offspring by divine beings taking humans for conception is unholy. There was no sanction for it from the topmost One True God. Only in one case was a holy divinity produced in history with full sanction from the Most High, One True God and that was when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus from the virgin Mary. So Jesus is a truly holy divine human being, the only begotten Son of God. Some think it means Jesus is Himself God as a kind of component person of a Triune God, but Jesus teaches and the Father teaches that the Father alone is the One True God while Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of this Father God. The focus of the two Virgin Birth narratives in the gospels Matthew and Luke is the holy nature of the conception of Jesus. The archangel divinity brought this highly important message. In the gospel of John it is simply stated that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. The bible Epistle of Hebrews calls Jesus the firstborn son of God. Even the Book of Enoch, near the end of the book, has a passage of prophecy in which God speaks of the Christ as His Son. So first consideration in the gospel is that Jesus came into the world by truly holy conception by the Holy Spirit and is rightly considered as begotten of God, truly the only begotten Son of God. Next consideration is the immediate family to whom Jesus was born. He was born from Mary who would marry a man descended from David. The promises of prophecy given to the ancient Israelite King David from God were that David would have a descendant who would build the Temple. The immediate fulfilment was Solomon, son of David, but so much was prophesied about a descendant of David being a son of God that it seems unlikely it was all fulfilled merely in Solomon and David elaborated in some of his psalms by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in what became regarded as foretelling of a Christ who was to come into the world as his descendant but also his lord. Over time prophesies came more fully proclaiming this Christ as the spirit of this coming Christ worked in prophets such as Isaiah. It all started to be fulfilled in Jesus as He grew to adulthood and eventually started a ministry of teaching and preaching and working miraculous signs given Him by God to do. He gained disciples who believed He is this Christ, the Son of God, descended from David. So the next consideration was how Jesus was fulfilling prophecies of ancient prophets. Ultimately Jesus focused on prophecies about a person Jesus described in the third person but also clarified to some was a direct reference to Himself as this person, someone proclaimed in prophecies of the Book of Enoch as the Son of Man, likewise in Exile prophet holy writings by Daniel and Ezekiel. This Son of Man, human messenger ordained specially by God Himself, had a prophetically designated ministry. It would involve suffering, dying at the hands of evil men, and being raised from the dead by God in vindication and in order to be the judge over all at the end of the age. The fact this Son of Man was also the only begotten Son of God would mean God would severely exact vengeance on those who killed Him, as history tells us happened when Rome utterly destroyed them around forty years later. The prophecies had foretold how this Christ, who believers identify as the Son of Man and the Lord Jesus Christ, would help believers by taking the wrath of God against their sins upon Himself as He died after severest torture. “He was bruised for our iniquities.” “By His stripes we are healed.” Yet He would rise from the dead. “He will not let His Holy One see decay.” The miracles were direct testimony from God the Father proclaiming Jesus’ glory. The focus then is on the lordship of this Master, Jesus, over the household of God. Finally it is on the lordship power of His name over all of Nature, as the Holy Spirit came and started to teach the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, leading them into all truth. This truth included the true beginning of Jesus as the Word of God, through whom God made all things. The end result of faith in this gospel is to believe that Jesus is the same now as He was then and will always be so, and then to hold to His teachings and be set free from binding, enslaving sins, to be cleansed and sanctified by God through Jesus’ blood sacrifice and to share in the overall extension of Jesus as each is added to Jesus as part of His body, covered by a covenant from God in Jesus’ blood, becoming effectively the outworking of the righteousness of God. This leads to eternal life, surviving the terrible judgement to come by not dying in your sins. It is all the outcome of the workings of God Himself by spirit in the gospel words and by the Holy Spirit workings in the believer, and by the effects of Jesus’ resurrection on improving the believer’s prospects. So the believer becomes in actuality a child of God, progeny of God, brothers or sisters together of Jesus, sharing His inheritance, living forever in fellowship with God and His Son, provided the believer continues to hold to Jesus’ teachings. The love of God is obediently reciprocated by believers among each other in love for God and Christ. The influence of Jesus as master over all grows forever as His disciples grow in number, obedience and good character, doing greater things than even Jesus did, now that Jesus is with the Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit works among the believers in private and as they meet to encourage and console and counsel. The sins are put aside, inappropriate for this scenario and since sins are not of God but of the devil who will come to nothing. The believers receive grace from God and focus their worship around a memorial of Jesus in the bread and wine of communion showing His death on the cross for our sins. Until He comes. He will soon come in the clouds to set things right, bringing saints in glory to share His ministry of judgment and rule, many raised from the dead for this and others transformed into similar immortality. It is all this that we can call the gospel as God has sanctified it. God boundlessly loves Jesus His Son and Jesus lives up to that love in a way God is well pleased with and God fully acknowledges Jesus as His pleasing Son. Yet only God, God the Father, says of Himself “I am God”. Jesus has believers, God’s household, as His household, and is over them as Master and is over all creation too but that does not make Him God, it makes Jesus Lord. The Holy Spirit acknowledges that all creation operates under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ’s name but still it is not the case that Jesus is the Only True God. The Father alone is that. Love is what most characterises God: love for His children even before they turned from their sins in faith and love for the command of Jesus. Love for His Father and faith in the Father’s love for Him characterises Jesus. The name of Jesus controls even Nature and sustains it, upheld by the faithful angels governing Nature. God deals with our sins, helping us deal with each other’s sins, correcting, cleansing and forgiving as we confess our sins, with Jesus ever living to intercede with God, knowing our human weaknesses, yet Himself sinless. We have a great high priest if we are in the household of God. We have hope. It is unacceptable that we sin still. Sin must end in our lives. This is the salvation Jesus brings. That is why He was named Jesus. Salvation.