
Sunday, 29 August 2021

Heard about the ancient giants?

 Heard about the ancient giants? Unholy conceptions by divinities with humans producing these unholy divinities? One greater than the giants came by holy conception.

There is a lot of content these days about Giants. Around 3000 BC there were these guys, subject of many ancient legends, who were offspring of supernatural and natural parents, human mothers but divine fathers. Lots of legends existed over the following millennia about these monstrously powerful guys: Gilgamesh and Heracles/Hercules are perhaps the most well-known, although probably from a later time. Monsters of Greek mythology hark back to these times: Cyclops, Perseus, Medusa and so on. Having divine fathers and human mothers. Even the Bible book of Genesis mentions such beings, Nephilim, in Genesis 6. The Book of Enoch, a holy scripture well-known to Jesus and Jesus’ disciples and many Jews of that time, has much to say about the origins of these giant divine humans. The divinities who produced them were punished for it severely because God, the Lord over all divinities, the Father, did not intend their liaisons with human women because God made the divinities immortal in Heaven, not in need of procreation for persisting their presence on Earth. The production of divine offspring by divine beings taking humans for conception is unholy. There was no sanction for it from the topmost One True God. Only in one case was a holy divinity produced in history with full sanction from the Most High, One True God and that was when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus from the virgin Mary. So Jesus is a truly holy divine human being, the only begotten Son of God. Some think it means Jesus is Himself God as a kind of component person of a Triune God, but Jesus teaches and the Father teaches that the Father alone is the One True God while Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of this Father God. The focus of the two Virgin Birth narratives in the gospels Matthew and Luke is the holy nature of the conception of Jesus. The archangel divinity brought this highly important message. In the gospel of John it is simply stated that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. The bible Epistle of Hebrews calls Jesus the firstborn son of God. Even the Book of Enoch, near the end of the book, has a passage of prophecy in which God speaks of the Christ as His Son.