
Saturday, 21 August 2021

Missing the Obvious

The atheist scientists and intellectuals are missing the obvious. Given the age scientists attribute to the universe and the speed they attribute to evolution, the possibility of there NOT being a Being capable of creating Earth and life on it is negligible. So they must be looking in the wrong direction. The atheist scientists and medics and other intellectuals must be distracted from the obvious, perhaps by a focus on merely disproving Ancient Classical philosophies of theology, such as omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence. To dismiss the likelihood the Earth and its inhabitants are creations is absurd given what scientists are concluding about evolution in the universe far beyond the time life on Earth has existed.  What this does not tell us is about any possibility of creation of the universe itself, the birthing and distribution of stars and the establishment of natural laws. For that we need inspiration of truth. Here the ignorance of scientists is in many cases profound. Here we are in the realm of spirit and spiritual beings and how we all interact.