
Sunday, 27 February 2022

The last angelic session

 As Germany joins an arms race to counter Russia and supply Eastern Europe with weapons, it looks like the prophecy of the last invisible angelic shepherd in the Book of Enoch (Dream of the Beasts) is starting to prove plausible. Essentially the last reign of seventy invisible shepherd angels is foretold for our next few decades, leading up to 2800 years since the Assyrian invasion of ancient Israel. The last twelve angels in control of world events affecting the people of God are foretold to be each more deadly than their predecessors. The last angel would be starting their forty year session around now. Previously there were angels presiding over judgmental persecutions of people of God in which more deaths were counted than in previous sessions since centuries before Christ came. The last angel session (spanning forty years) is predicted to be of the same order of deadliness as the previous eleven (spanning a little over four centuries). This means it is a prediction along the lines of the next decades being similar in terms of deaths of people of God to those decades which included WW II. This is all in judgment for the apostasy which started among the people of the covenant with God before the Assyrians invaded ancient Israel. A covenant with God must be honoured. We should love God with all our heart and honour and teach His teachings to our children, not ban them in our schools. God lets these angels rule invisibly with deadly force and does not relent from anger. Yet soon it will be the end of this 2800 year punishment period and the Christ will return to judge more directly and in righteousness.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Ancient markers

Since ancient times, people worldwide have been following encounters with divinities and elemental spirits, sometimes becoming effectively slaves to spirits. Markers of places of divine or elemental spirit encounters were set up, like you see in Shinto shrines and folk religion spirit houses and elf houses. It is even mentioned in scriptures that when patriarchs encountered God immediate thought went to setting up a stone to mark the spot, or when disciples saw Jesus transfigured, immediate thought went to building a shrine to mark the spot. The spirit it is hoped, might return to that place if it was marked by a stone or might return habitually it and to go inside that structure if it was a small building. The hope was that this spot could be returned to for worship and seeking blessing. Places of spirit encounters were places where further communing with spirits and gaining of spirit blessings could be hoped for, sometimes sought by making offerings. Special days in the calendar were designated to help organise this. Rituals take place to further such spirit communion. The Christian gospel of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Christ allowed the freeing of people from the slavery to the elemental spirits which had been encountered and so that the spirits serving the Most High supreme spirit who had sent Jesus Christ could be regarded as ministering spirits and this Father God alone worshipped together with His Son Jesus, the Lord. The body of the believing receiver of the Holy Spirit from God (God the Father), with their own spirit awakened, then becomes the site of visitation, the temple, and the joining of believers by this fellowship becomes the special house of God. To this day, though, the shrines are still built and visited and the special days and ceremonies used to seek after and appease those elemental lesser spirits. It is the way it always has been for many in their traditional culture because not everyone believes the gospel of Christ.

Friday, 25 February 2022

Snake on a pole the symbol of healing

 The Israelites were led by Moses in the desert when they left slavery in Egypt. Then they grumbled. So God sent a plague of snakes. They were bitten. Moses begged for mercy on their behalf. God gave an odd but spiritually effective way to heal them. Spirit is odd. We have scientific materialistic doctrines taught us about spirit not existing, so we do not learn about spiritual matters. Science either dismisses them or calls it all mystery. Anyway the spiritual power of symbols is real sometimes. God told Moses to use a symbol to convey God’s healing. A snake made of bronze was put on a wooden pole and held up in the camp of people. They looked at it and there it was symbolising that snake nature which afflicted them with poison. That snake nature was spiritually held up there crucified, and it got spiritually destroyed with a spiritual curse, so that they would have healing from the venom. It worked. Spirit is real sometimes. They were healed by looking at it. That is power of the spirit of God. Now we have a much bigger problem. The venom we suffer is not from snakes. It is from humanness: our own and the humanness of those around us. It makes us do wrong. We fall short. Our ethical standards are beyond our human ability to achieve. If we cannot meet even our own ethical standards, so much more with God’s. This poisons our lives. Jesus Christ got crucified on a cross to make the spiritually healing symbol of a human on a cross of wood. That humanness was made a curse on a cross for our healing and ethical shortfall. That was effectively our humanness up on that cross being crucified and its poisoning power was being destroyed. We died on that cross. Our human venom was rendered into nothing. The Lord Jesus rose from the dead and the curse was finished forever. We therefore share that end of the curse. We have newness of life because we are dead on that cross, and because Jesus rose from the dead, ending that curse. The symbols are more effective than mere symbolism. They are spiritually the power of the spirit of God for our healing. It works. We have life welling up in us because the humanness is crucified in the crucifixion Jesus endured. He bought us life. With the holy blood of the Lamb of God that Jesus is. We should no more let failing be our thing. It is for life that we are healed.

That eagle overhead

 That eagle of war over Eastern Europe believers is not much different than the eagle over Western believers too. We have sinned: That, says the LORD, is why the eagle is overhead. It looms over us all. We have all broken the sacred covenant. We appoint our leaders without God’s approval. We ignore God’s words. We neglect to teach God’s teachings to our children. We even ban God’s teachings in our schools. Mushroom clouds are foretold. Forewarned we should repent and maybe our Father God will relent. This is so, so serious.

Thursday, 24 February 2022

God’s arm is stretched out still

 God does not like war and destruction. There is no pleasure for God in the death of criminally behaving people. God likes people. God likes cities. God finds shade in the umbrella of a city of humans He has created. God does not happily destroy a city or watch over its destruction. This provides a pathway of hope. Repenting from criminal and unjust behaviour and from violence can lead to an averting of a crisis. Love towards God and the advertising of His teachings is a pathway of health, life, freedom and every blessing. Yet falling short of this leads to impending war and heaven-sent scrutiny. God’s arm is stretched out still.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

The concept of ‘gods

 The Rabbinical Judaism assignment of a twisted ‘majestic plural’ meaning to the god(s) word Elohim allowed Genesis to not be heresy in the rules of the Rabbinical Jews of the second century AD and following. This get-out allowed the Rabbinic Jews and Talmud to label as heresy any attempt to attribute the work of creation to any being but the Most High. All rather convenient. But the real meaning is revealed in other scriptures where the LORD God (Most High) is called the king above all Elohim. Elohim are a nation’s gods. Usually nations had multiple gods in a kind of pantheon, but Abraham had only one god in his Elohim ‘pantheon’. So a clumsy but fairly accurate translation of Elohim might be ‘god-set’: Your national set of gods. The singularity of this god-set of Abraham led to this word applying to one being in some contexts, the Most High, El-Shaddai. In other contexts such as a context of a foreign nation the word would mean all the nation’s gods. In a very general context it would mean all the gods, such as when Yahweh is called the king above all gods. 

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Enoch 93:7

 Enoch 93:7

“Woe to those who build up their houses with crime; for from their very foundations shall their houses be demolished, and by the sword shall they themselves fall. Those, too, who acquire gold and silver, shall justly and suddenly perish. Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed; because you have not remembered the Most High in the days of your prosperity: [you shall be removed, because you have not remembered the Most High in the days of your prosperity.”

These words follow instruction of Enoch to his son to tell him of the final judgement and the events of history in predetermined times leading up to that judgement. So Enoch is strongly advising his son, and those who listen to his son, about the way to live rightly and not be condemned in that judgement. We only need to read our news today to find evidence of many, many using criminal or near-criminal ways to build up their careers and property. Once the criminality of people is exposed we might think that punishment should follow but might not follow as it should. Especially the rich and powerful get away with actions the rest of us would be punished for, and we know we would forfeit our wellbeing and future if we acted so criminally. Yet we know that God judges. There can be justice from heaven when none is metered out by society and the legal system. Now this passage in the Book of Enoch confirms that God even uses war to bring about such punishment. Violent death is sent as punishment, typically through war or similar means, and it even reaches the rich who prosper from criminality and deception, swindling and cheating, trickery and craftiness. Stand back and let it be. Intercede by all means, but do not stand in the way of God’s justice or pervert it or obstruct it. Live a right lifestyle that does not warrant such punishment. 

Scientific naivety

 In the West and increasingly globally we live in an age of scientific naivety. Scientists have deliberately suppressed any knowledge of spirit and only acknowledge material things, a universe of gravity, matter and energy. There is more than this. There is a whole ‘ology’ of spirit to be known and understood. The naivety is dangerous. You cannot understand truth if you deliberately ignore spirit. 

Saturday, 19 February 2022

The trickery of science and scientists, medicine and medics

 Many published scientists do not recognise the trickery in sciences. For me it is a lifelong sadness to see how dishonest scientific work can be and how easily people are tricked by its devices, deceptions and ability to mislead and frighten people into parting with their money and public money. Look at how it all started. Rosicrucianism. Invisible colleges like the Royal Society. Sorcery - secret groups of esoterists who were forced to rely solely on experimentation rather than black magic and white magic, by the church which was burning their books and arresting them. If it wasn’t for book burning there would be no experimental modern sciences, no natural magic arts as the sorcerers used to call it. Many scientists despise the inquisitions and book burnings that took place when the printing press invention started spreading sorcery ideas and beliefs by the esoteric groups which included originators of modern sciences. Yet without those actions by the church there would be no formation of the experimental scientific process and the scientists would still be blatantly practicing sorcery today. At least today we find that there is a modicum of decency about use of experiments instead of invocation of spirits to find secrets of Nature. Without church censorship this change would not have happened. Yet the agendas of scientific studies still have great overtones of the aims of the sorcerers who started it all: philosopher stone, reanimation, crossing of species, homunculus, chimera, immortality, gold from base metals, and so on. These can all be discerned in modern counterpart scientific and medical goals. Medicine still tricks people into buying drugs and chemicals they do not need and are better off without. Trickery is so much part of what we see from medical and scientific officials. The leopard does not change its spots. It learns to blend in by its spots to hide from the hunter while terrorising its prey.  

Woe in the UK

 What a day when we find everyone is duped and possibly complicit in it. Trickery of medical science. Enmity against all that is right. The profits made from fear of death rates inflated by the statisticians by reporting deaths WITH covid persistently as if they were deaths FROM covid. The movement of money on a huge scale, not just in UK but globally, from public purses to pharmaceutical private purses. The poverty we will all now experience, if outside of the circles of pharma and medicine, as the currency value plummets due to the ‘printing’ of extra money to pay for the medical supplies, tests and vaccines. May their money perish with them. Just a little more than 17,000 actually dying in UK FROM covid, as distinct from huge published figures of those dying WITH covid. That is in comparison to 700,000 normal annual deaths in UK in any years. Woe. The rich have robbed the poor. Woe to them. The guides have been tested and found to be blind. Or if they claim to see, then their guilt is profound. Either incredibly stupid or incredibly guilty.

So now we know

So now we know! Or partly know.

Only 17,500 deaths in UK actually FROM covid, as distinct from WITH covid. Office of National Statistics figure, yet even there they only published openly the figures of deaths WITH covid. It took a legally binding request to get the figure of FROM covid deaths.

The collusion to this has been surely unprecedented in history. Not just government. All those such as Big Pharma who profited. All those who held back from questioning such high death rate figures being published, failing to ask for actual figures of deaths caused by covid, in those not having other causes of death. So, so many caught up in this and profiting. So many fearful to question it. Who can we trust anymore? Not many. And all that dishonesty just waiting to be manifest in another way soon. Unpunished this will just keep recurring in other ways. Trickery is the new norm. Woe. Woe. Woe.


 When we refuse to believe tricks, propaganda, misleading news and advertising, there must be a danger that their whole system would fall apart, otherwise they would not go to such lengths to try to trick us and make us believe it all.


 It is increasingly obvious that the world is filling up with tricksters. Snake oil salesman is the new template for not only careers but for the common way of life. Medical sciences are now highly funded but looking at the past concept of medicine you find that trickery has long been a major part of it and the prominence of this career path in global society makes trickery prominent too. It seems trickery is here to stay. Yet there is a silver lining because there is a Lord. There is a Master. There is one who has a right claim to the ownership of our innermost being. This of course is Jesus Christ, alive from the dead. His testimony highlights the trickery, the deception, and the enmity at large against all that is right. His teachings offer personal purification, as does the blood Jesus shed on the cross which can cleanse our tarnished consciences. We must cling to this one life boat before our Titanic of society sinks forever.

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Children of the rich

 The children of super-rich people might get so used to buying all they want that they know they can buy people too. It is a bit despicable because it is too much like seedy corruption, like the vices of Babylon the Great. Yet the son of the richest person ever, did buy people, with his holy blood, and this son is not despicable but is the real deal, faithful and true. The reason it is no Babylon the Great, but rather the Kingdom of God, is that this person is totally genuine, totally legit. Nothing seedy. No vice. He really did purchase us with his blood, holy blood. The only-begotten. The Son of the Creator, God. This lord over us is Jesus Christ. 

The gods of the nation

 A nation must have its gods. There is no word for this concept, is there? Pantheon is not the same thing. A nation can acknowledge that other gods might exist and might even be part of a pantheon with that nation’s own gods. That leaves no room for considering their own gods to be a pantheon. Part of a pantheon, maybe. What to call their own gods? A godhead? Same problem as pantheon. There was in ancient Hebrew, as part of a concept shared by the ancients, a word Elohim. It is copiously threaded through the Hebrew scriptures. A nation’s gods are its Elohim. Yet for Abraham, patriarch ancestor of the ancient Israelites, the Elohim he knew and owned as his own, was one single being, El Shaddai, the Elohim of Abraham, the gods of Abraham, one god, who to many of us today is simply God. Abraham’s great descendant Moses knew this one God, the Elohim of Abraham’s descendants who walked in Abraham’s faith, as Yahweh. To me this One God is simply God. Jesus teaches us to call this One God ‘the Father’. In all this the initiative has come from this God Himself. To Abraham this God came down to speak to Abraham and to tell Abraham “I am El Shaddai”. To Moses this God came to visit and said “To Abraham I was El Shaddai, and to you I will be Yahweh”. Then Jesus came, with the word to us all that this God is the Father, his own father. Even to me this God once came and said “I am God”. Maybe others have been visited like this too. Yet, it is all one being, God. For many of us this One True God who sent Jesus Christ is our Elohim, our single person sufficient as our gods, content to have no other gods but God. Other gods do exist, yet only the Father is our One True God and Jesus Christ is His only-begotten Son. This One Lord of us all sent by this One True God. This Lord is Jesus. Son of the One True God.

The Father

 El Shaddai: In Genesis 17 verse 1, this is the unique name for God, the Father, which God gave Himself when speaking to Abraham. He is identified as Abraham’s Elohim in verse 22: The whole Elohim of Abraham, Abraham’s godhead, his set of trusted gods, is one person El Shaddai. Clearly this is what God later referred to with Moses when He said “to Abraham I made myself known as El Shaddai”.  So from the passage about Moses in Exodus we find that this is the same being as Yahweh. The closest meaning of El Shaddai I can find is God-the-Shedu. A Shedu is a huge wondrous male creature seen later in Assyrian statues, head of human, body of lion, wings, legs of an ox. Like the cherubim described by Ezekiel. People say this represents power in all areas of power. (It is also known by the female equivalent called a Lamassu.)

Wednesday, 16 February 2022


 Nothing will persuade people away from obsessively using drugs and chemicals every way possible for every slightest problem. In this faith of technologism, people are utterly convinced technology solves every problem. Scientism goes along with it: thinking all facts must be scientific. It is the new way, the scientific-materialist religion. No technology will cure it, until it becomes like a terminal illness killing off many species of animals and eventually humans too.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Hosea 8

 “Put the trumpet to your lips!

    An eagle is over the house of the Lord

because the people have broken my covenant

    and rebelled against my law.

2 Israel cries out to me,

    ‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’

3 But Israel has rejected what is good;

    an enemy will pursue him.

4 They set up kings without my consent;

    they choose princes without my approval.

With their silver and gold

    they make idols for themselves

    to their own destruction.”

Hosea 8

Israel has sinned

What does a cross do?

 What does a cross do? Why have exorcists since ancient times used a cross to repel possession and heal their patients? What power is in that cross? Moses lifted up a serpent on a pole, akin to a cross, to heal mass snake bite victims and repel the snake poison. The serpent on pole and the cross are symbols used by medics and pharmacists in modern times as well as by sorcerers and exorcists since ancient times. The cross propitiates. It takes the brunt of the divine judgment within a situation of punishment for wrongdoing. It substitutes for the judgment of recipient of punishment. It holds up towards the patient a symbol of the evil being dealt with. The one upon the cross has to be in the form of that evil, in order for the evil to be overcome by this combination of propitiation (bearing the punishment instead of the patient) and substitution (bearing before the creditor the debt of the patient’s wrong doing). This was the meaning of a cross symbol in ancient times. The symbol was called MASH. (This might be a root of words Mass, and Massiah, we associate with this cross today.) The Messiah took this position of becoming sin on a cross to deal with sin and bear the brunt of wrath of God against us because of our sins. This heals us when we look to the cross in faith. It heals the punishing effects of sin and repels the power of sin by bearing the divine punishment and wrath so that we do not have to. So we should turn from our sins and live rightly, grateful for this cross and remembering its bearer, its substitute sacrifice.

Monday, 14 February 2022

Knowledge beyond science

 Most scientists look at the universe as scientific materialists leaving God out. They make God ‘out of scope’ of their science and deny the existence of anything except matter, energy and gravity. So the evidence of the nature of God is deemed by their definition ‘unscientific’. Yet God gives us both reasoning ability and faith and moral compass to lovingly include Him in our knowledge, once we discover this knowledge from the cross of Christ. The testimony of the apostles becomes more important to us than the science of the materialists. What is out of scope to scientific materialists is in scope to believers. 

The most important messenger

 God takes a human who can eat and drink to speak certain things to humans, for the salvation of humans who need to be able to identify with the speaker of the saving message. Human ghosts and non-human spirits are useful in some situations but limited in use because they overly scare the human recipients of the message. So for utmost important saving messages and truly vital works of salvation, God uses a living human messenger, whether alive as a mortal or risen as an immortal resurrected human. Even the resurrected human can scare the hearers so in the main a mortal human, not yet having died, is used for the truly vital and saving messengering. The Book of Enoch describes the ultimate messenger from God, the very son of God, to be in fellowship with humans for their salvation and to help and counsel them to keep them ever righteous and at peace with God, the Son of Man, the anointed Elect One. Jesus proclaimed this Son of Man as himself, sent by God. 

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Health warning

 The Book of Enoch is a health warning about the world we live in: about the world’s technologies, cultures, sorceries and sciences, fashions, customs, superstitions, military ways and the behaviour of its people. It shows the unfortunate spiritual origins of these things and the downsides of our objects of desire. The outcome is that we should have our eyes more widely open as we live in this world and we should practice a strategy of daily avoidance of what it has to offer. It does not forbid anything. It does not legislate. It cautions. It enlightens. It explains. It leaves the decisions to us on how we will apply its lessons to our lives. Overall we should practice a strategy of knowledgable avoidance and live by the guidance and truth of the Holy Spirit of God.

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Message in a bottle

 If you believe in the veracity of Jesus Christ and the gospel testimonies of Jesus endorsing the Book of Enoch, you can eventually understand that the Book of Enoch is a message in a bottle to you. You were known 5000 years ago when Enoch wrote much of it and you were its target audience. God can transcend time by foreknowledge and predestination. The Spirit who inspired Enoch inspires us still today and has the same things to say as then. Much of what the Holy Spirit says to us today is right there in the Book of Enoch just waiting for us to read it and be astounded.


 Let’s not get hysterical about it but nuclear war involving UK and US is looming. UK and US sin is the cause. Time to involve God in our appointment of our leaders. We are covenant nations under God. 

Divine imperative

 If your old life has died and your new life is hidden with Christ in God, if so, then the mysterious and distant crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ has your life mingled with it and that event has formed part of the makings of your inner being: The most important brick in the wall. There are others too who have these same components in their life and so there is a mysterious unity running between those who are joined to Christ in this way. Love one another. Speak truthfully to one another. 

Divine fellowship

Remaining in Jesus’ love is as important as Jesus remaining in the Father’s love. Jesus remaining in us is compared by Jesus to the Father remaining in Jesus. Jesus remains in the Father and the Father in him by Jesus keeping the Father’s words and doing what pleases the Father and having the Father’s constant devoted love. So too with us. As you get to know Jesus and find you have fellowship with Jesus by holding to Jesus’ teachings, you suddenly find you actually know the Father too and have fellowship with the Father and have the Father in your circle. That is because the Father is in Jesus’ circle, in Jesus’ life, in Jesus’ whole way of doing things, in the outcomes of all that Jesus does and in all the workings of Jesus’ actions and teachings and miracles. Seeing Jesus, we see the Father. Seeing the Father we see He has a beloved only begotten Son who we find is right there with the Father. The two are inseparable. 

Friday, 11 February 2022

Christ died for you

The cross in ancient times was symbolic. It was symbolically used to hold up a bronze figure of the enemy of a demon in order to exorcise that demon or defeat that enemy. The bronze figure depicted on the bronze cross was a lord or enemy with power over the evil being. This was a practice from the dawn of human civilisation. Moses was told by God to deal with a plague of snakes among the camp of people by making a bronze snake and putting it on a pole and holding it up in the camp to cure those bitten by the snake. These kinds of practices were known among ancient peoples as the way evils were overcome in exorcism and healing. The cuneiform ancient writing symbol of a cross came to be associated with exorcism and divine healing. This was so from the start of civilisation even back when writing first came into existence. Holding up a figure of a powerful spirit would fend off other powerful spirits. Artefacts from long before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ show this very well established practice. Even today we see that ambulances have images of the serpent on the pole and have crosses on them. Medical pharmacy stores do the same. The Red Cross organisation does this too. God did it with His Son. The Christ on the cross is held up - against an evil. We are that evil. Our wrong behaviour. That powerful person held up before us to overcome the evil of us is our Lord. That Lord over us is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ crucified. Now risen as both Lord and Christ. Looking to this Lord Jesus Christ and learning from him, believing his veracity, believing God sent him, this overcomes our evil consciences and leads to powerful divine healing from our wayward behaviour. Dwelling on this truth of Christ crucified for you opens you to the healing and restoring power of God, allowing the correcting Spirit of holiness from heaven to enter your innermost being and lead you into truthfulness and truth. Look to this Lord Jesus Christ crucified for you and be healed from your evils and be cleansed in your conscience. 


 Resurrection is important to God. It is such an important part of His agenda that He does it three times, first on Lazarus, then on Jesus, God’s own son, then ... well we just have to wait for what is next.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

The banquet buffet

 Jesus is like a banquet buffet laid out before us. Faced with a banquet buffet, some pick around the edges and are satisfied with a taste; others dive in. They all get satisfied and tell the story. Some have more of a story to tell. 

Omicron and providence

 COVID19. A lot of factors come together to cause the ‘evolutionary’ variant changes to ‘stick’. Proximity to other variants. Distance from antigens for a prolonged time. Chance is one of many factors. Darwinian ideas might play a role but that seems to be belittled nowadays. What nobody fully understands is the role of providence. Call it reversed entropy if you like. Convenient changes. Serendipity. Things moving towards a beneficial outcome such as Omicron. Omicron combining several changed properties resulting in rapid spread plus reduced threat to life. An overall benefit. And after there had been just a few variants. Coincidence? Understanding coincidence is like understanding providence. Very remarkably beneficial changes or very noticeably harmful changes, remarkably varying from the expected statistical average. Luck - good or bad. Here we should ask “Does God throw dice?” Answer: perhaps not but God determines outcomes. Science cannot comment on that because it is the unknown, non natural, untestable, undetectable metaphysical universe where science only sees matter, energy and gravity, but cannot tell us if that is all there is because it is unable to see that far.

Human origins

 If humans were evolving for millions of years and have been around as humans for hundreds of thousands of years, why so few pyramids? Why no beautiful building remains older than ten thousand years old? Why no writing before five thousand years ago? Why no technology? Why no global destruction till now? “They were hunter gatherers,” say the advocates of the current too-big-to-fail, dogmatic theory. Nomadic hunter gatherers exist today and in the last few thousand years but look at Aksum, Timbuktu, the Great Zimbabwe and other glorious cities built by our equivalent in the last two millennia of so-called nomadic hunter-gatherer races, you cannot just sum up thousands of years of humans with such sweeping phrases like hunter gatherers. There are still tribes in Papua New Guinea living as they always lived. Yet other parts of Papua New Guinea have cities. Even the newly discovered cannibal tribes there are still building amazing tree houses. Without outside influence. Humans are a very capable species, irrespective of their lifestyle. Just because some people live as so-called hunter gatherers in known history does not mean those people and others nearby don’t build buildings, sophisticated buildings which last. Look at nomadic Tuaregs and Berbers but then look at the astonishing library and civilisation of Timbuktu in the Middle Ages. Human hunters, gatherers and nomads are a species which does amazing feats of innovation and builds amazing buildings. It is in our blood, whether or not we hunt, gather and migrate. So again I ask, if humans were evolving for millions of years and have been around as humans for hundreds of thousands of years, why so few glorious building remains older than ten thousand years old? Where is real solid evidence of humans living hundreds of thousands of years ago, given that it is in the nature of humans to build, learn, innovate, design beauty and leave behind buildings which can last thousands of years? Typically big, long-lasting building projects have happened among humans several times every millennium, throughout known ancient history. Why no evidence of these before ten thousand years ago? Then they suddenly started. That is not consistent with a slowly evolving species existing in its present state for hundreds of thousands of years then evolving just a little more. 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Genesis according to the modern world

 Once upon a time a couple of unknown creatures wandered into a swamp, settled down in the swamp land and they or a couple of their descendants gave birth to a baby human. Why have creatures ever since then not given birth to baby humans in other places too? Perhaps the couple of unknown creatures were on the very point of extinction and were themselves children of new species, so none of their kind existed before or after that, to have other baby humans. Who did that baby human pair with, to produce its human descendants? It must have been ultra-human because it would have had to couple with the kind of creature its parents were, immediately diluting its humanness. So its descendants were at most slightly human, having had to couple with and breed from non-humans. It is all a nicely far-fetched human-concocted notion, if you ask me. A fairy tale? Or a product of atheistic scientism and scientific materialism. Either way, for atheists who want to cancel God, it makes a nice story to tell their children.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Information and life

Life usually consists of cells. Cells have lots of information and need lots of information. The DNA for example, but also RNA, mRNA, and mechanisms for how these all work together and fit together. The information exists to tell a cell to produce other cells and to change into specialised cells and to stay alive, with all the processes that requires and the information about all the protein sequences that are required, etcetera, etcetera. Even a plasmid or virus needs information to encode amino acids into useful proteins that will help the DNA or RNA to reproduce in host cells, despite being so relatively simple in structure that some scientists say the plasmids and viruses are not really independently alive. Even such semi-alive viruses and plasmids need to store, reproduce and evolve huge amounts of information and to develop within a context in which exists huge amounts of information. Then there is the overall context such as the direction in which these living and semi-living things evolve and relate to each other in an ecosystem. For a bee to hatch and grow into adult there has to be an overall information system that says whether there will be flowers with nectar to gather. For flowers to grow there has to be information that bees exist to pollinate them once they are mature. The information in a planet inhabited by living things is so vast. Then the planet needs information to keep it inhabitable. If it does not persist in a certain orbit from its star it will become uninhabitable. Something has to hold the information about the orbit and the parameters of flexibility of that orbit within which life will continue. All these things are prerequisites of life. Where is all this information stored? Within life itself. So how would life come out of gravity and matter and energy unless it existed before gravity and matter and energy?  Ultimately this information needs more besides in order to result in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the new future that comes about through Jesus. All the prerequisites for the coming of Jesus require the kind of holy information that could not come from mere gravity, matter and energy alone but must be previously stored in Life existing before these material things. 

Saturday, 5 February 2022

A prayer for England

The original English king, Alfred, famously established a law code for everyone, based on scriptures and Christian case judgments. It led over the following millennium to the worldwide concept we find today in most countries of the rule of law. For some countries it is only recently that this concept of laws for everyone in a country has been adopted. Yet behind this we have a concept of Christian values of virtuous judgment by priestly leaders and monks. Oddly, England did not allow the English successors of Alfred to continue to rule England and allowed England to be dominated by other countries for a thousand years. Yet other countries in turn adopted the law system of Alfred which he in turn had inherited from both Christian religion and Europe’s Charlemagne empire. England had started from Anglo Saxon mercenaries accompanying Roman imperialists as the hatchet men of Rome and it continued as providers of warrior men for successive foreign rulers of England for a thousand years. Today we have more access to scriptures and we have the revivals of Holy Spirit leadership over English churches, concurrent with similar movements in the other countries of the British isles. Now we know that providing mercenary services to foreign rulers is not the epitome of a Christian country but rather a violation of God’s higher call through Christ Jesus to peace and to a putting away of the sword. Let England no longer be a provider of the sword to every neighbouring or treaty-yoked country. Let us be led towards peaceful life as well as lawful life, with the teachings of Jesus Christ held in highest esteem. God grant us rulers who will lead us towards this. God cease from punishing our wayward folly with leadership by the blind into meaningless war amid a threat of World War III.

Every man sitting under his own tree

 Hitler’s vision was a car for every family - the people’s car. Let’s not follow Hitler. Every household with a garden and some peace and quiet plus a home working cottage industry - more laudable goals: For a healthy outlook and the salvation of this planet.

What is directing us?

 We need there to be sighted leaders who say what they see to the blind who can follow. There are too many blind leaders who say what the blind want to hear but leads to disaster like this horrid threat of nuclear war and the horrid plagues of pharmaceuticals and the old world imperialisms. God judges us by allowing the blind to lead us, but the mercy of God is shown to us by Jesus warning about the blindness of the guides who fail to practice what they preach. If people ignore Jesus then the only outcome is that the things they hear will be directions from blind guides leading to misery, degradation, destruction and war, even a threat of nuclear war. Jesus is still the lord who is our hope, Jesus who is the way, the truth, the life. 

Friday, 4 February 2022

Moral backbone

We listen to things. Sometimes these things are wise things. They are solid and like nails hammered into wood. If we ignore wise things it leaves us flimsy inside. Wise sayings that sink home form a firm inner core in our psyche that directs our thoughts, attitudes, and actions wisely and soundly. It helps our conscience grow truly and properly. We call it a moral compass because it guides us truly. We call it a moral backbone because the words and concepts stick firmly, because they are reliable and sure. The message of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ might seem to an unbeliever to be folly but if we let it take root into a believing inner mentality we find it to be even more sure and true and rightly guiding than words of human wisdom because it is heavenly. It sits there as our moral backbone does only it gives us all the more help towards rightly guided actions than wisdom can give us. It is heavenly. It is like a cross within us, nailing us to it and killing our sinful inclinations even more than moral backbone can do. It strengthens our conscience, inspires our hope and faith and it leads to genuine love. It awakens our inner spiritual being and opens it to the interactions of the heavenly Holy Spirit to cleanse us and make us fitting servants to the service of God the Father, with Jesus Christ as our living lord. It helps us love the world no more, breaking free from the world’s vice grip. To God be thanks. 

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Beliefs without evidence

Many atheists say they accept no beliefs without evidence, but theirs is effectively a belief without evidence when they say, without evidence, that no gods or spirits exist, that nothing except the material universe exists. It is not just not believing. It is believing that nothing except the material universe exists. This is called scientific materialism. Many atheists believe in it. It has become a main philosophy of the modern world, underpinning science and much of modern reasoning. There is no evidence for it. For example right now, if you look inside your consciousness, your thoughts, your feelings, your impulses, awareness in your mind, this reasoning will tell you to regard it all as matter and energy and nothing else. It will tell you that material processes can account for all that is going on in your consciousness. This is purely a belief without evidence. There is no evidence that the material universe, the matter and energy and gravity, accounts for everything and is all that exists, that nothing else exists. This is a belief imposed upon us by the modern age, the predominant way of thinking that has arisen in society in recent times, mainly over the last century or so. It is a belief without basis, the very kind of belief that many atheists claim to reject, yet it underpins the atheism of many.

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

A philosophy of life

 Life cannot come from non-life since too much information would need to accumulate in opposition to entropy. So life must always have existed even before any Big Bang and therefore it must have not been composed of matter and energy. Presumably this life, for it to survive a Big Bang, it would be such that it would not be killed by anything since that Big Bang. So it would be eternal and the source of all other life. At some point it must have made the first life involving matter and energy. The original life would be able to carry the information needed by matter and energy. Since non-material life must exist, it follows that it could have created other non-material life too. No reason to think only the original life created material-based life, several non-material life forms may have collaborated, in all probability. Even material-based life has non-material components such as consciousness, so this supports the existence of pure non-material life going back to before any material universe existed.