
Saturday, 26 February 2022

Ancient markers

Since ancient times, people worldwide have been following encounters with divinities and elemental spirits, sometimes becoming effectively slaves to spirits. Markers of places of divine or elemental spirit encounters were set up, like you see in Shinto shrines and folk religion spirit houses and elf houses. It is even mentioned in scriptures that when patriarchs encountered God immediate thought went to setting up a stone to mark the spot, or when disciples saw Jesus transfigured, immediate thought went to building a shrine to mark the spot. The spirit it is hoped, might return to that place if it was marked by a stone or might return habitually it and to go inside that structure if it was a small building. The hope was that this spot could be returned to for worship and seeking blessing. Places of spirit encounters were places where further communing with spirits and gaining of spirit blessings could be hoped for, sometimes sought by making offerings. Special days in the calendar were designated to help organise this. Rituals take place to further such spirit communion. The Christian gospel of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Christ allowed the freeing of people from the slavery to the elemental spirits which had been encountered and so that the spirits serving the Most High supreme spirit who had sent Jesus Christ could be regarded as ministering spirits and this Father God alone worshipped together with His Son Jesus, the Lord. The body of the believing receiver of the Holy Spirit from God (God the Father), with their own spirit awakened, then becomes the site of visitation, the temple, and the joining of believers by this fellowship becomes the special house of God. To this day, though, the shrines are still built and visited and the special days and ceremonies used to seek after and appease those elemental lesser spirits. It is the way it always has been for many in their traditional culture because not everyone believes the gospel of Christ.