As Germany joins an arms race to counter Russia and supply Eastern Europe with weapons, it looks like the prophecy of the last invisible angelic shepherd in the Book of Enoch (Dream of the Beasts) is starting to prove plausible. Essentially the last reign of seventy invisible shepherd angels is foretold for our next few decades, leading up to 2800 years since the Assyrian invasion of ancient Israel. The last twelve angels in control of world events affecting the people of God are foretold to be each more deadly than their predecessors. The last angel would be starting their forty year session around now. Previously there were angels presiding over judgmental persecutions of people of God in which more deaths were counted than in previous sessions since centuries before Christ came. The last angel session (spanning forty years) is predicted to be of the same order of deadliness as the previous eleven (spanning a little over four centuries). This means it is a prediction along the lines of the next decades being similar in terms of deaths of people of God to those decades which included WW II. This is all in judgment for the apostasy which started among the people of the covenant with God before the Assyrians invaded ancient Israel. A covenant with God must be honoured. We should love God with all our heart and honour and teach His teachings to our children, not ban them in our schools. God lets these angels rule invisibly with deadly force and does not relent from anger. Yet soon it will be the end of this 2800 year punishment period and the Christ will return to judge more directly and in righteousness.